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Things that are awkward...

Being a socially inept doofus.

Being a socially inept idiot doofus.

So yeah. Socially inept idiot reporting in. Has it been 3 years? Yup...because I am a socially inept idiot.

Hi guys. From browsing it looks like there are a few familiar faces still around.



Hey hon, good to hear from you again. :hug:

How are things on your side of the continent? Well I hope. Smile

Hi kathycf, welcome back!!!

...that we were supposed to be anywhere else.

How was anywhere else, now you've been and taken a look? Are pink bunny slippers socially acceptable yet?

hey hey

Anywhere else? 'Tis a silly place.

Things are going ok. Thanks for the welcome back(s). :hug:
How are you folks?

I think I need new slippers...time to mix it up and maybe get Hello Kitty ones. hehe

Volkan, are you currently playing WoW?

Sharkull's picture


Currently on my WoW downtime. Quit playing for 9 months, went back for 8, now gone again for 2.

Still love the gameplay, but the social interaction that I enjoyed so much is not the same as most of my friends either quit playing or moved to different realms.

Heya Sharkull. Smile

PhoeniX wrote:
Currently on my WoW downtime. Quit playing for 9 months, went back for 8, now gone again for 2.

Still love the gameplay, but the social interaction that I enjoyed so much is not the same as most of my friends either quit playing or moved to different realms.

I took a few months off this spring. I have an active subscription currently but I just haven't felt like playing. I can relate to the social aspect thing. We transferred off our old realm (it was West Coast) to an Eastern time realm on a New York data center (Exodar realm). There's much less latency and easier to raid...if I still bothered to raid. heh. I really missed some of our old guildmates on Antonidas. Ah well. Hope things go better when you re-subscribe.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Hiya Kathy! :hug:

Hey Solly!
