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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

HardLess's picture

Items enchantments applying


I'm trying to make items that apply their enchantments as spell could do.
So applying effects on the owner of the item and apply the enchantments and the whole party, and apply it thanks to a spell components ( for example : spell_mass_echant or something ).
And the enchantments need to go off if the items is no longer on the character.

Something like this :

doc = "book_magic_aura_regen";
specializes = base_book_spell;
// aspect @param
// common @param
// gui @param

DS2 Modding Tutorial Compilation

Dungeon Siege 2 is one of the most moddeable games ever made and even today, over 8 years since it was first released, the graphics and gameplay still hold up very well.

Yet despite this and the release of a fully featured Map Editor, Dungeon Siege 2 never even remotely approached the popularity and amount of user created content of it's 3 year older sibling.

HardLess's picture

Modding Tools


As you've seen FilePlanet and lot of site powered by IGN are being archived.

So all download links are broken. My problem here is that I can't found a rawTOpsd converter.

Does someone have a link or have the software and he can upload it somewhere ?

I'll be thankful. Laughing out loud

DS2 Moods

Hi guys,I'm trying to create a map for DS2 via DS2 Editor,nothing serious,only some fun stuff for myself,but I have trouble with moods.I can't find their names anywhere,I would like to use ones from original sp campaign.Could anyone tell me where to find mood list?Or at least where to look via TankViewer.I would be most grateful

Playable DS1 Character Pack for DS2/Broken World

Since there was some interest in extending a small playable character pack of DS1 characters for DS2/Broken World I've made this thread to track it's development.

Previous discussions were held here;

Two more characters have been added for a total of six; Strider978's Orc and Witness's Dark & Light Elf Mod

Cat Mansion Boys for DS2

There seems to be a little bit of interest in making Hamcat's Cat Mansion Boys playable in DS2 just like the girls are. At least poor Geordie wouldn't be jealous of the girls anymore!

So I took what I did 18 months ago and got it in-game. Cough cough don't expect too much though. Heh heh

Character Selection Menu

In-game shot

You can download the alpha here; (5.81 Mb)

Lord_Ozon's picture

DS 2 - Need help modders!

Всем привет!


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