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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Keeping areas clear

I don't yet have DS1(going to get as soon as I can spare the money) and I was wondering something.

Would it be possible to go to area X, drop off Y number of party members, leave, then have that zone stay clear?

Monster using Monster weapon

I hope you guys (and gals) can help me with a problem i'm having. I continued on Darxide and Onibi's MonsterTrip mod and made the Skath Hyena like creature playable.

It works great except for the weapons & shields. When I equip weapons like 2h Axes, Swords, Hammers and stuff the grip is all wrong.

Hammers and swords are held in the left hand facing rearward and the swords are held on the crossguard / blade. I cannot find a code specification indicating where i missed something.

Does anybody know how to solve this?

Skill tutorial, or tutorials in general?

Am I going blind? I could've sworn I saw a guide on how to add skills to the game. I've got it all setup in a gas file, I'm just not sure how to make the gui button to show up on the skill tab :/ heeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalp please

How do you use the node matcher?

Took the time to finally try out SE2 but I have already run into problems.
I am trying to use the node matcher and can't get it to work without searching through all the nodes. After I select the folder I want to search through for matching nodes, node door is also selected, and hit "match selected" the folder gets unselected and the root is instead selected. I get a warning

If I hit "yes" in the dialog window that appears I also get a bunch of error messages about a bunch of missing sno files. To make matters worse I chose "ignore always" so now I don't see the errors anymore.

Promising DS2 map

Here's a map that looks promising. There is a beta version that can be downloaded if you aren't playing BW right now.

Rezzie's Mod Manager

Requires .NET 2.0 framework!

This is a simple mod manager, which has the following features:

    Easily enable and disable mods in seconds Install and uninstall Mods (ie move to/from Resource directory)
    Optionally launch using Elys Saves to disable mod CRC checking
    NEW! Profile Management
It also has profiles management, so you can save different mod states as a profile. For example, you may wish to have all 'God' mods disabled in one profile, all 'BugFix' mods enabled in another. A profile allows different mods to be enabled/disabled, making it very fast to switch between a fun god character and your main one where you only want bugfix mods. Note that by default any mods not in the profile are enabled (only occurs if mods are added after a profile is created).


Rezzie Mods

Here are a few of the mods that I've made, each file contains a readme explaining in detail what it does and how to use. Looks like you can only attach one file per post, so I'll attach in replies.

6 Slots
This mod enables the player to purchase 6 party member slots on any difficulty level.

All Chants
This mod gives the player all chants, including quest related ones. Get them by breaking any container, opening a chest, etc.


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