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DS2 World Shop Mod


Shop Mod for the official Dungeon Siege 2 World v1.03
main download link
alternate download link @ mediafire

This mod adds more pages of items to the shops in the Dungeon Siege 2 campaign. It makes merchants in ALL Acts sell more stuff. This mod does NOT make shops sell any set or unique items.


1. Armor Stores now have 6 FULL pages of gear in the Equipment tab (just like in DS1 since shops in DS1 had like 5 pages of gear in the "Armor" tab) and 3 FULL pages of shields in the shield tab.

2. Weapon Stores have 4 FULL pages of Melee and Ranged weapons in their respective tabs.

3. Mage Stores sell ALL the spells in the game; all 5 qualities (small, medium, large etc.) of potions in the game; 1 Full page of rings, amulets and spellbooks in the misc. tab.

4. Reagent Stores sell ALL the Reagents available in the game (INCLUDING the quest-specific ones) and they DON'T run out.

5. Changed the time the shops' inventory expires from 15 mins to 5 mins. So shops will now restock/reset their inventories after every 5 mins instead of 15 when they are no longer in the frustum. However, be careful of what u sell! as u'll have no way to get the item(s) back once it expires after 5 mins.

NOTE: if u just made a new char or are low-level, the shops may sell less pages of stuff than stated above cuz lower level gear usually occupies less space.

I would add more pages of gear but i had to strike a balance between waiting for ages for the game to unfreeze and doing a quick merchant inventory load so u can dump your loot quickly.


NOTE: if you are using another shop mod, uninstall it before installing this mod.

This mod works on all versions and on the DS2TK. Using the faster shop reset mod will invalidate your savefile. Therefore, u must use elys' allsaves fix. if u dont want it to, just use the shop mod without faster shop reset.


Installation for DS2 Toolkit users:

1. Extract the DS2 World Shop Mod.ds2mod and Faster Shop Reset.ds2mod file to your Dungeon Siege 2 Mod\Mods folder.

2. Run DungeonSiege2Mod.exe with the loadanysave commandline argument.


Installation for non-DS2 Toolkit users:

1. Extract the DS2 World Shop Mod.ds2mod file to your Dungeon Siege 2 Resources folder.

2. if u want the shops to reset/restock their wares faster, extract the Faster Shop Reset.ds2mod file to your Dungeon Siege 2 Resources folder. ***WARNING*** this step will invalidate your savefile. if u dont want ur savefile invalidated, skip this step.

3. rename the file extension to .ds2res

4. run DungeonSiege2.exe or allsaves.exe to play.


Uninstallaton: Just delete the DS2 World Shop Mod.ds2mod file and/or the Faster Shop Reset.ds2mod file or move it to another folder.


Version History:

v1.03 - separated the faster shop reset change into a separate file so that the shop mod can be used alone without invalidating your savefile.

v1.02 - decreased the expiration time of a shop's inventory from 15 mins to 5 mins, so that shops reset/restock their wares faster. Increased the weapon vendors' stock of weapons to 4 FULL pages instead of 2. Slightly increased the armor vendors' stock of shields to 3 FULL pages instead of 2.

v1.01 - added the 2 quest specific reagents, Viperclaw and Lumilla's Salve, to the Reagent Vendors' Inventory. Made some tweaks to the item levels and item quantity of all the shops as they were sumtimes filled up with tons of the same item(s) (aka filled up with junk) at low levels.

v1.00 - initial release


Known Issues:

1. When tryin to view a certain merchants inventory or viewing another tab in the merchants inventory, the game may freeze for a few seconds. This is normal due to the CPU trying to generate the _HUGE_ amount of gear. LOL Smile I havent encountered any crashes or hang-ups of the game while tryin to view any of the merchants inventory tho. I have an overclocked 2.8 GHz CPU running at 3.15 GHz. If u have a slower CPU than mine then it might take awhile Smile

2. Avoid using this mod on multiplayer IF and ONLY IF u have a CPU that barely meets the minimum requirements for the game as it may cause client disconnection if your game freezes for too long trying to generate the huge amount of gear. If u have a fast CPU (3+ Ghz like mine) then it shouldn't be a problem on multiplayer then.

3. Avoid selling your loot at the Armor store or Mage store as each time u sell sumthing at those 2 shops, the game will keep freezing up for 1 second so unless u like drumming your fingers on the table, dont do it...

*addendum to #3: avoid selling your loot while on a shop tab that has too many items. usually this will be the armor, weapon, spell and/or misc tab. selling items while on a tab with too many items will cause the game to freeze momentarily for 1 second or so.

mod categories: 



This is a real interesting mod, as i like to build nice weapons enchanting them. My Dungeon Siege 2 version is the USA, and i've patched with 2.1 and 2.2.

Could you create another version from this awesome mod, where it should be compatible with my game version?

I've a save game, where i'd used these mods:

Instant XP
Enchant Shrine ( enchanting shrines re-activate immediatly)
Chantsnoquest ( all chants from the game, excpeting question chants)
SuperShops ( the arcanist, in Eirulan, sells unique and rare items)
6slots ( allows to purchase 6 slots from the inn)

Your mod could be done, making the potions seller to have all reagents for purchase.

Welcome to Siege the Day. Sorry it took so long for me to find your message. I was busy with real life and testing the Adepts mod. I would recommend that you register as a member so that your posts will appear without a moderator locating and posting them for you.


is there a link?

richi2002, PM Bare_Elf and she should be able to take care of that


I can not get the link that lady femme posted to work with the new system software. I will ask our technical support person to see if he can figure it out.


The link has been healed thanks to techie. So look up to the top and download away