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Apply for Book and Blog permissions

Do you want permission to use a blog and create content in our books? Then just post a comment here and it will be taken care of. If you are wondering what the Book-section is... well it is a collection of tutorials that work like a form of wiki were you can add all the cool stuff you know about Dungeon Siege. Let me know if you need a book category or something. The books are found under Tutorials in the top menu.

You can discuss the permission changes in Changes to user permissions.

I'd like permission to post if possible. Not sure what content I'll be creating yet, but I'll see.

landis wrote:
I'd like permission to post if possible. Not sure what content I'll be creating yet, but I'll see.

Hi Landis,
Once you register you can post in the forums. Just make sure to post your comments, suggestions and ideas in the correct Forum and thread.
I have enabled your ability to post in a personal blog. Remember what you blog about must remain within the rules of the site if not the feature can be turned off and so can you Wink


I'd like permission to post in a personal blog Smile I always enjoy writing

DrakeIsGod wrote:
I'd like permission to post in a personal blog Smile I always enjoy writing

Give me a second or two...then you can blog

bare_elf wrote:
Give me a second or two...then you can blog

Thanks bare_elf Smile On a different note, is there any way I can change my ridiculously conceited username to just "Drake"? I made this account a long while back when I was going through a phase lol, I hate feeling like everyone I talk to online is probably thinkin' I'm a self-righteous dick or somethin'.. I don't know, it's just been eggin' at me a bit lately

First of all there is already a Drake. Second changing your name to something else would remove all your posts and the replies to them.
So I would just leave it alone/ If you were to look at all the users you would find several god like beings. Also remember several races in the game believe that the Drakes are Gods.


You just became a LOT cooler in my eyes bare_elf Smile You are definitely among the god-like beings on this site

Asking for access of my old blog (with a whole lot of 1 post).

(Note, I've been granted, just making a footprint on the official channel)

I would like expanded permissions so that I may better write Dungeon Siege Legacy, which is my novel adaption of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna and possibly Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege II.

Eksevis wrote:
I would like expanded permissions so that I may better write Dungeon Siege Legacy, which is my novel adaption of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna and possibly Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege II.

You can now blog to your heart's content

bare_elf wrote:
First of all there is already a Drake. Second changing your name to something else would remove all your posts and the replies to them.
So I would just leave it alone/ If you were to look at all the users you would find several god like beings. Also remember several races in the game believe that the Drakes are Gods.


Lol well I didn't necessarily change my name or anything, but more-like create a new account with the same email and a different username. I was originally just seeing if it would work that way and it turned out to work exactly as I thought.
Anyway, going over all of this again due to having this new account has given me time to reflect a bit. I'd like to have blog permissions granted to my account if you'd allow it. I was just wondering where a lot of my enthusiasm went and why I was so hard-headed during the time I actively used this site. Now I feel like I'm a lot more intelligent but I'm spiritually drained. I don't know, it's been almost 4 years.
This may just be more sleep deprivation due to my 2 year-old, but I was just really wanting to post some poetry like I used to lol.

Big smile Well I think I did it correctly some times I am forgetful about how to do things and always a bit Insane
You should be able to blog to your hearts content now. Let me know if you can not and I will try something else.

bare_elf wrote:
Big smile Well I think I did it correctly some times I am forgetful about how to do things and always a bit Insane
You should be able to blog to your hearts content now. Let me know if you can not and I will try something else.

No that's perfect! Thank you so much! I'll be posting blog entries once again pretty soon :P