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Here my tool to scale ASP model for Dungeon Siege 2.(or PRS)

By default the scaling is set to 1.5, that's what i use to scale up catboy.

Now you can change the scaling by adding a second parameter after the asp's filename.
A bat file is include that will do that. Edit the bat file to change the scale, save it
and drag and drop the ASP into it. The .off file will be the old file.

In the bat file if you add one value, that value will be use for scaling.(ex.: scaling_toolV5.exe %1 1.44 )

If you add another value you will scale an animation (prs file) (ex.: scaling_toolV5.exe %1 1.44 1)
No tracers yet!

I have corrected the scaling tool to be able to scale version before 2.3 of an ASP mesh.

Note: This has been reported as working for Dungeon Siege 2 ONLY.


tools and patches: 


Help me please. I read the readme but still not fully understand how to use this tool. I put the asp file in the directory and when i clicked the tool, it said no filename specified. Can anyone show how the way please.

I haven't done so myself but I believe you would 'drag' the asp model on top of the exe file in the same directory.
Unless I'm wrong of course.
This tool has wonderful potential for 'hacking' existing content.
But for adding new monsters in the siege editor, one could just modify the scaler property of each monster.

Drag the file onto the scaling.bat file. If you open it you will see the scale value as the third parameter in scaling_toolV5.exe %1 .3. The second parameter %1 means "read the filename of what is dropped on top of me".

Thanks guys for the help.It worked like a charm. After editing the bat file, all i need to do is drag the file into the exe file and done.

I am glad you got the scaling tool to work. The people here are good at solving problems with the game and its tools. Smile


Well, I guess this solves a mystery for me too.

I downloaded this tool somewhere else a long time ago, and whenever I scaled a DS1 model with animations the result was a gross deformity. Nothing in the description says that this tool is for DS2. I didn’t realize that until seeing the directory where siegetheday is keeping this file. Guess that explains it.

I've updated the description to make sure it's clear that this is for Dungeon Siege 2 only. Thanks.

Yeah! With the help i get the size i want. Thank you. The scaling tool work nicely for Dungeon Siege 2 item. I don't know about animation because i just learn how to make templates recently and intend to make an item set of rescale Valdis Sword that can be pair together with Azunai shield but i failed.

Hahahaha.. The result look so weird actually. I realize it can't be done without changing the sword wielding position and i don't have the knowledge to do that. Anyone can help me with that?

What looks weird? There is a weapon_grip bone that belongs to meshes. When you equip the weapon it will attach the root bone to the weapon_grip of the person equipping it. You can scale the sword using Dungeon Siege as well rather than modifying the ASP file.

Perhaps check out once this image/link:

Unfortantely, better don't ask me about the details, I cannot remember exactly. Sad
In theory this image could be realized by...:
- ...using the body:weapon_scales definitons of an actor (which is rather some kind of fake).
- ...using DDLullu (re)scaling tool mentioned in this post.
- ...using a model effet, overlaying an invisible sword.
- ...other ways perhaps.

Sorry not to be able to be more concrete - it's simply too long ago...

I could do with some questions answering before I go stepping into the great unknown, this scaling business for starters and how images differ from DS1 to DS2 are just 2 that I can think of off the top of my head at the moment.

1. What scale values should be used for a DS1 sword to look right in DS2, and is there anything else that you need to do to this weapon, oh, just one more thing, how do you know its actually worked, does this .ASP file get larger or something, or is there some kind of magic taking place inside the file that brain dead morons like me cannot comprehend.

2. How do you make a large sword in DS2 the same size as a gladius, I'm just wondering if negative scaling values have to be used for this to work and if that's the case, what negative scale values would those be.

3. Images from DS1 to DS2 are saved differently, could someone explain that in more detail, an even better idea is to post an attachment with a before and after image so it can be referenced time and again until its fixed firmly inside my head.

4. brkopac, mentioned that you could scale a sword by just using Dungeon Siege, I could do with some more information on that little gem, so can someone step up to the plate and throw me a home run.

Well that's everything I could think of for now, see you later alligator.

I'm not going to make another post just to tell you that questions 1. 2. and 3. have been answered by myself, I'm not a big moron anymore just a little one.

I shall wait patiently while you brainboxes stop laughing at my noobishness for not knowing the answer to question 4, in my defence I have never heard or read about it before so that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

1. What scale values should be used for a DS1 sword to look right in DS2, and is there anything else that you need to do to this weapon, oh, just one more thing, how do you know its actually worked, does this .ASP file get larger or something, or is there some kind of magic taking place inside the file that brain dead morons like me cannot comprehend.
I didn't write the tool so my guess: It scales up the vertices, normals, and other 3d data. It shouldn't really affect the file size.

2. How do you make a large sword in DS2 the same size as a gladius, I'm just wondering if negative scaling values have to be used for this to work and if that's the case, what negative scale values would those be.
Again, I didn't write it but I'd doubt you want to scale by a negative.

3. Images from DS1 to DS2 are saved differently, could someone explain that in more detail, an even better idea is to post an attachment with a before and after image so it can be referenced time and again until its fixed firmly inside my head.
My understanding is DS1 raw and DS2 raw files are the same.

4. brkopac, mentioned that you could scale a sword by just using Dungeon Siege, I could do with some more information on that little gem, so can someone step up to the plate and throw me a home run.
You can setup scales in the gas templates to scale up meshes when you need to.


		scale_base = 1.4;

Moros wrote:
2. How do you make a large sword in DS2 the same size as a gladius, I'm just wondering if negative scaling values have to be used for this to work and if that's the case, what negative scale values would those be.

I'd try decimal fractions between 1 and 0. E.g. 0.5 ought to mean half size.

A negative value would cause inversion of the mesh. Back to front, left to right, up to down, and possibly inside-out, as the normals would get flipped, too. The result would not be desirable.

However, a negative scale - on one axis only - for a texture is sometimes used, to mirror a half-texture to cover the whole mesh.

I just messed around with the scaling tool until I got the correct size, trial and error won the day.
What a marvellous little tool it is. Big smile

It is possible to add the scale code to the aspect of any ncp hero or monster to get a giant or dwarf.
Or when placing monsters with the editor,
right clicking on the character and selecting properties,
then scroll down to the scale and change it.
This also works for objects, like trees, tables,
and weapons.
Would the weapon keep the scale after equipping?
I don't know.
But a weapon's aspect could be changed in exactly the same way.
The handle may become as big as the hand.
Better to customize the model in Gmax and make a new weapon.
Not a difficult as it seems at first.