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General Chatter

Post about whatever here, but no spam please.

some free fullversion software for the holidays daily

Hey lookie at this Dungeon Siege review I found

The guy who made it is pretty popular too, perhaps this could bring a bit of popularity back to the games?


Everyone here know what Rainmeter is?
Well put short, it's a tool that allows you to WAY customize your Windows desktop. Although I think it works for Mac and Linux, and if not, I think there are versions that do? Idk.

Hey everyone!!

As you know, I haven't been on in a LOOOONG time. I've been dealing with some major life changes. I'm gonna be getting married soon, and I'm gonna be a father! Smile Smile

The Dungeon Siege Wiki

It's in a sorry state.

Go ahead, look for yourself.

Where am I in the real world

Since there have been no posts in the original forum topic Where Am I for over a year how about a game of Where Am I in the Real world. It is really simple.

You name a town, village, city somewhere on the planet earth and the person who can discover the country posts the next question once the previous poster tells you you're correct.

I will start it off with
The village of Fangaua it is located on what island in what country.

Good Luck


I just love listening to music that makes me feel myself listening deeper and unlocking new levels of creativity.


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