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General Chatter

Post about whatever here, but no spam please.

Toturial/notes tagging - opinions?

I'm posting this here because it deosn't really fit anywhere else.

I need some opinions on how best to tag the various tutorials and modding notes on my site. The problem is that some apply to a specific level of the game, some are more general and apply to everything from DS1 to BW, and some are in between. There are cases where a technique applies to all releases, but the example used to illustrate it is for a specific one.

XP Service Pack 3

- was released by MS, today..

- good luck, everybody..!!

(- actually, it works just fine..) :woot:

Sharkull's picture

Piracy, DRM...

A good article:

I am not a pirate. I am a customer. When I buy something I expect to be treated that way.

Huib Bloodstone's picture

Dungeon Siege Zonematch Workaround

Hi all,

You might know me.. well for those not my name is Huib and my username in dungeon siege is Huib Bloodstone

I'm working on a workaround now the zonematch server is down..

I already made traffic captures and i am now trying to reverse engineer these packets to get the information needed to communicate with my domain..

Is here someone that can help me with this.. some information to help me further.

Any help would be appriciated..


volkan's picture


I would like to make formal apologies to certain individuals for the pestering and sometimes angry behaviour on my part when I first started to mod. I am definately not proud, but neither am I ashamed of the severe depression, and the anger stage that followed as I recovered my mental equilibrium.

No response necessary, just wanted to make the formal apologies.

Shocking news!

Today at midnight something totally unexpected happened.. It was suddenly December! It's crazy, but where has the time gone? Seems like it was November just yesterday!


Reopening the doors

I finally updated my site a bit, it's been quite a while (approx. 5-6 YEARS) since I've done anything with it.

I stole the layout from the design I was making for xmen90s dsmmorpg site, but he stopped working on it so it is obviously not done. There are definitely a few things I'm going to change with it (it's horribly ugly), probably remove the applet, move stuff around, etc. I might have to re-learn some of my HTML again before I do that.


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