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Error message

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DS2 & BW Technical Support

Post here if you have a technical problem with DS2 or BW.

Odd Problem when playing DS2 or BW

I noticed a message popping up when starting and ending DS2 or Broken world, Server Error Dungeon Siege II
Servers Hosted by GameSpy are no longer available. I get this when I start and end a single player game.

Getting DS2 to run on an ASUS Vintage AE1

I have been spending so much time herding cats here at the cat farm. I thought I would install DS2 and Broken World on the ASUS Vintage AE1 system here. I had forgotten that the video and sound where chips on the main board. So when I installed the software it said DS2 can not detect a sound card. I said oh well not a problem since the sounds might wake up the cats. Then when I started the game it told me the video card does no have enough memory and the game could get wonkie or something close to that.

blablabla's picture

Framerate drops while using weapon enchantment


When I play my Blood Assassin, she autocasts Mana Shot (or similiar weapon enchantment) which makes the game a bit less fluent (-10fps).
The matter is worse when I use zoom to watch my character closely. Then these flying red skulls make framerate drop by 30-40 fps.
Do you know any solution to this problem?


DS2 Saves missing - anyone have Elys' all saves v1?

I've got a good 25 hours on a campaign that's now missing. Tried patching, reinstalling, disabling anti-virus, etc. No dice. Both versions 2.0 and 2.2 of the game fail to recognize the save.

I installed ELYS' All Saves v2 but I get the "Cannot load DS2 All*Saves! (DS2 wrong version?)" error. Someone else had success with using v1 if ELYS' mod, but all links to that version are dead. Does anyone happen to have it?

'Super' Windows XP Desktop Search

On my old PC i recently had to install Windows XP again (*grrr*)...

I don't know how i managed this on my old installation, but now the Windows XP desktop search doesn't browse files where the file type is unknown. Sick

- does DS2 work OK in Windows7 RC?

I had a go at loading it up, but there appeared to be a conflict with Elys' interface..
looks as though the screen resolutions don't function properly - I may be completely wrong of course hasn't really reached the Blue Havens yet..

- we still use palantirs round here.. :woot:

- anyone else tried this out, yet?

DS2 with SLI

Not a problem per se but I was wondering if anyone knows if DS2 and the expansion works with a SLI-system? I'm asking since I was thinking of getting two Asus GeForce 8600GTS DDR3 256MB.
If it works, are there any special steps I need to take?

Does it work with DS1 as well?


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