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DS2: BW Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2: BW here.

Light and Dark Naiads

Hey, I'd like to know if there is anything that allows me to feed a Dark and Light Naiads to maturity without the size increase.. it really annoys me a very big naiad, i like them as small as a pixie/fairy. so is there anything ? >_< thanks in advance.

aranna legacy and hotfix compatibility

recently i tried playing the ds1 maps in original ds2 and it worked great. Then i tried it with hotfix mod instead of level adjust mod. Didn't go so well... (first krugs were at lv17), so i tried the two mods together. For some reason the experience to get to lv1 skyrocketed, i even got to the skeleton caves before lv1 melee. Tried moving all maps to broken world and using aranna legacy mod instead but had similar results. What hapenned, and is there a way around this?

Hello! Main Character to the Inn

Hello, I just joined the forum and i'm a big fan of Dungeon Siege series, i have already played Dungeon siege II till the end long long time ago. But recently i found that many interesting mods that enhace the gameplay and it's Great!!! I'm using many of them right now. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Laughing out loud

Well, here is the question. Is there a mod that allows me to send my Created Character to the Inn?? I searched hard for this and didn't find anywhere.

Need Testers For Fire Nova, a New Spell

Hey all. I need feedback on Fire Nova. Is it too powerful or weak? Etc. Please provide me feedback here. Testers will be given credit for testing. Thanks!

It should not conflict with any mods and will work DS 2 and DS 2 Broken World.

There are four versions of the spell Lesser etc. You can buy them from DS2 vendors. Atm it shares the Firespray icon.

Download link:

Party size things

well i'm kinda new to dungeon siege modding, not the game itself I've been playing it since it first came out, i'm basically trying to find a way to get my dungeon siege broken world party's size increased, i can't get the tank editor to work, i was wondering if there were any mods out to do so, i'm only looking to bump the limit up by two, for a solid eight like in the original.

DS2BW crack/mod search in progress


currently using elys manager and some other mods, large stash, rareseverywhere, skill reset. used instant xp briefly to get to lvl 100. they all work great and thanks for working on those (esp. elys).

DISO a way to play on elite difficulty BW with a character fresh off of the last quest in DS2 mercenary... without completing the necessary previous modes. any ideas?

DS/Broken World Textures and Anti Aliasing

Hello Smile Can anyone do better textures mod and Anti-Aliasing ? It will be really nice =)

(sorry for my English.I hope you understand)


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