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DS1 & LoA Mod Development

Discuss modifications of DS1 and LoA here.

Modding weapons to use combat magic and intelligence stats for damage

I have been trying to figure out how to mod weapons so that way my mage can also use melee without having to gimp myself as a hybrid.

Tank creator 2 and Windows Vista issue

Hey folks-

I've been having an annoying problem with Tank creator 2 on my computer with Vista. The program works perfectly fine on my laptop that runs XP and I've been using it for several years now, but I can't get it to work with Vista. (I really dislike Vista...)

After having problems the first time, I tried running as administrator and running in compatibility mode for XP. Nothing helped.

Collision Models

Possible to make models in DS Loa collidable?? Like so that your character can't run through them.. checking through some .dsres files ive noticed some files under templates/actors/evil/pm_drake.gas it has a value called Aspect and within that it has a optino for collision.. dunno if its the same thing im thinking of.. but id like to hear from someone who knows about modding DS

Are there people still Modding DS LOA??

I have several questions about the modding of the game. Althought the modding community seems pretty dead O.o or thye are just hiding dunno but ill ask anyways. Im basically wanting to combine some stuff for example. the Dungeon Siege Revived mod v9.1b for regular dungeon siege.. i want that extra stuff in DS LOA too! And if its possible to combine Legends Of Utrae with Ds Revived?? I hope someone can help.

Spell Rebalance: And questions about coding.

Ok, things are progressing much more smoothly now. I added some monsters spells into the mix with a balanced mix to em(mainly uber spells for nature since there are hardly no level 90-100 attack spells for em). Status spells are messed with, but I haven't tested them in a normal playthrough to see if they flow good. I dealt with all obvious gamebreakers(invincibility is acting up though, it is supposed to always be 10 seconds, but it's 46 seconds at level 150 for some reason).

Mass Rebalance

Despite it's name it is not a spell, it is my plan to make DS1 gameplay somewhat more enjoyable, and to shake up the balance of the character classes which I stated in an other topic to be wanting.

The problems are the following:
-Warriors are too weak in early game when they don't get good armor, and the krug grunts appear making warriors die or cry.
-Rangers are OP. They don't need mana, they have armor, they just point to the enemy and things die. enemy things die, which makes them the single most powerful class in the game.

Aletys's picture

Announcing Release of Ultima 6 Project version 1.0

On this, the 20th anniversary year of the release of Origin Systems Ultima 6, it is with much pleasure that we announce the 1.0 release of Team Archon's Ultima 6 Project, for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). Players will find a huge and exciting world waiting to be discovered:

• Travel throughout the lands of Britannia, exploring dark forests with bandits lying in wait, deserts and swamps teeming with monsters, and peaceful towns and villages filled with shops, old friends, and interesting people just waiting to give the player numerous and exciting quests to solve.


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