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DS1 & LoA Mod Development

Discuss modifications of DS1 and LoA here.


Can someone please send me the unmodified .dsres file that comes with Yesterhaven? I can't install it on my machine because I'm using the Steam version.

I just need the .dsres

Siege Editor | Crash while attempting to edit Quest Update

I've been following the Siege University tutorials for the past couple of weeks and I'm now at SU 209 Quests. I can follow the tutorial normally until I get to the part where I've to add and edit a quest update using the Quest Manager tool where the editor "caughts" a Fatal Exception and I'm unable to continue. I figured I could go and add the updates directly with a text editor by copying the structure from the corresponding files of other maps, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and could offer a better solution.

Sound Enhancement Mod

So, I compiled a few new sounds for Dungeon Siege so that it sounds better, and most would say to huge success, as I made a point to make them sound similar to the vanilla sounds. Most of them are from an obscure sound overhaul mod, and one of them is even from an open source mod of a completely different game.

Anyway, with the ones I left in, I have edited a couple of them to be quieter and/or slightly shorter to keep the original vanilla sound in mind.

Template question re: equip requirements

So here is the question: I have an item w/ a new mesh that will only work for the basic old farmboy and farmgirl. I know how to set requirements for other things, like int or strength(or both) or for a male or female only item. I just can't see how I can make the requirements for both male and female?

Is it simply a matter of adding in male and female skills in the heroes.gas and setting the requirements like this?

equip_requirements = Female:1;
equip_requirements = Male:1;

The Ultimate Mod

The Ultimate Mod is a compilation mod that works to improve the overall gameplay and looks of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna whilst still being faithful to the original material and while being as lightweight as possible by changing only what's necessary.

Dungeon Siege V Mod

Verry good mod for people who want some new items and do not want OP items.
In mod are also items which ones gives you +12 strenght and tons of other properities (but you must have 120 basic strenght) this items are unique and have the same drop efect like legendary items in Diablo 3, and it is for high lvl characters.
Here is link:

shadow smile's picture

DS:LOA Skins/Landscape to Roll20

As the subject describes, I was wondering what would be the best way of utilizing the systems from Siege Editor and exporting them to be utilized as token/tiles within Roll20 (D&D Online).

I love the 'top down' approached GPG took with Dungeon Siege and would like to utilize those assets in a game. My old knowledge of the engine has faded considerably. I thought I may be able to import into 3ds max and make a 2d top down render? Landscapes would be the easiest as they are just textures wrapped - but I still cant seem to find the old files (Maybe because I had to redownload via Steam)


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