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DS2: BW General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS2: BW here - no spoilers.

volkan's picture

BW v2.3

Got this in my e-mail from Matthias concerning my BWSuper Shops mod:

hi there, seem to have a problem getting your mod to work on my
installment. its patched up to 2.3 by default. ive tried putting it in
the BW resource folder, the DS2 resource folder and in both folders at
once, but it wont load with the game :/

didnt have any other shop mods, or mods at all for that matter when i
tried yours.

so any chance u could update it to work with 2.3? seing as the webside
said it was for BW 2.2.

thanks in advance...

Has anyone heard about or know where to get a 2.3 patch? I looked and the latest patch I can find is 2.2

commandline problems

I am trying to set up a DS2: BW shortcut to look for mods in the original places but also in a designated folder.
This is the structure:
I:\My Games\Modded

This is what I have written into the shortcut's "Target"-field.
"E:\games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\DungeonSiege2.exe" user_path="I:\My Games\Modded" res_paths="I:\My Games\Modded\Mods" fullscreen=false

It generates this error however:
[code]Dungeon Siege II Critical Error
Some resource files haven't been copied to the hard disk (or I can't find them),
which prevents Dungeon Siege II from running.

Sharkull's picture

Broken World patch is being worked on...

DDSR Mithras of posted this news over on the GPGarage:

Some days ago, I wrote an email to the fansite support of Take2 Germany. I asked several questions, including the most important: Will there be a patch?

The answer is: Yes, there's a patch in work. When it will release and what it will change is not yet known at Take2 Germany.

Sharkull's picture

Dungeon Siege II: Broken World - a single-player review

WooHoo! My review got Node # 1!!! :P

(I had to "earn" my free copy of BW somehow... Wink ).

BTW, here's a look at the Rare mace I mentioned in the review:

Sharkull's picture

DS2 Expansion: The Broken World

...has a new forum at the GPGarage (no more information posted yet...).


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