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DS1 & LoA General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS1, LoA and any DS1 mods here - no spoilers.

Archers/Mages over Melee?

From a game balance perspective, what reason is there to make archers and mages? Melee damage seems to be a lot higher than either. You might say "melee makes you vulnerable to hits", but SOMEBODY has to take the hits, so that's no disadvantage.. in fact it's MORE of an advantage because the more melee you have, the more the damage gets spread out (and thus easier to heal in time)

What am I missing?

Sharkull's picture

Where to find DS1 mods...?

I was just asked this question by a new member... how about a little help in answering?

Do you know a good site that contains plenty of mods for the original Dungeon Siege. I've been searching for almost a week but I can't find one that has links that arn't broken.

I'd say that HF, PDS and DSH are probably best bets since SN went bye-bye... (see the links in the left hand menu).

Any other suggestions?

LoneKnight's picture

Derelict Team now Recruiting

Okay, never thought I'd see the day, again, but the doors are now open for recruitment into the Derelict development team.

Because of the pinch of real life and the ever increasing amount of work being put into this project, all of the hard work our crew is putting into the community may require some help from the community. Email me at . I will respond to you within 24 hours.

Positions available:

Mapping: This is the largest field that we need work in. Most of the team consists of mappers, and the maps are about 45% done. That means a lot of work is needed to make it happen in the time we need it done. As a mapper you receive respect from the entire team, for we all know how tough a task it is. You will deal with the newest models and objects, hot off of SiegeMax and never seen by the likes of the community, or in their wildest dreams. We need a lot of dedication out of you guys, and we'll accept just about anyone who has any knowledge of mapping. It's that easy; no professionals needed, just anyone who knows which way this gun fires. A professional is liked, but at this point, if you know it, we want you.

LoneKnight's picture

NIS Player

A member working on Derelict came to me with an idea, and I had no idea of who to ask about it. It's an awesome idea, one that would be a very useful.

The idea was: After each NIS, the NIS is saved. When you open the In-Game menu, a new option "PlayBack Scenes" is available. When you open it, a list of NIS' appears. Each one is named specifically by the developer, like "Forest Ambush", for example. You select it, and the game pauses, and plays the NIS. If you hit escape, the NIS ends, and you go back to the game. The same thing happens when the NIS is over.

Note that I know that because they are live action movies, NIS' can only be played back after it's been recorded. So, when you reach a new NIS in the game, that NIS is added to the list.


I know this is an old issue thats been brought up ages ago, but I've heard some people had dungeon siege 1 at least half working on linux (
can anyone share any of their experiences and where the suceeded and failed along the journey?

Zonematch Gone Awry?

Whats going on?

Zonematch won't let me online.... I've never had this problem before.

Earlier, it would let me on, but it would wait untl after the 15 second period of attempting to connect to actually connect. But now, the news doesnt even show up!

is something wrong with my computer? or is zonematch down?

editing characters

ive been trying to edit my new char, arachnid.

when i use Tank Creator, nothing happens after i hit Create.

When I use TC2, it gives me an "I/O error 32"

what do i do?

P.S. yha, im sick of trying to be perfect with my typing.


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