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DS1 & LoA General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS1, LoA and any DS1 mods here - no spoilers.

Need a GMAX

Hi to all gamers out there I'm in need of a GMAX file for edding I seem to have lost mine

How do I install Yesterhaven on Windows 7/Steam version of the game?

Ok, either it doesn't like Windows 7, or as I've read before, it doesn't recognize the Steam install of the game.

Either way, I can't get the installer to .. install. It'll open, and it'll run.. up until the point where it needs to recognize the game, but it never does.

/sigh is there a way to extract the files from the installer, or somewhere where I can get them in a .zip format?

Black-out issues on recordings of the game

EDIT: I figured out what I did before, it was Fraps that worked correctly, not the other recorders. As far as I can tell, it seems to be working now.

Figuring out what drops where

So I started playing DS again and am tying to track down some of my favorite weapons. The tricky thing seems to be figuring out what drops where. For example the unique "Steel Death" is a really rare item overall, but drops very frequently in normal grescal chests / chamber of stars chests and almost nowhere else. The 33 strength leg cleaver is another really rare item, but has a propernsity to drop from Gom, and I've never seen it drop anywhere else.

Immortal God's Mod?

Yep it's me again, this time I'm looking for the infamous Immortal God's Mod. It had a couple of spells which where so over-the-top it was hilarious. You used to be able to get this off 'Dungeon Siege Center' but it's been down for years. Internet Archive doesn't seems to have it cached, either.

I really only care about the spells, if someone has a video or picture of them in action that would be great. Especially that chain lightning one lol.

Best mods THE »H}{RW« mod

In my opinion it is HRW. Why?
Because he added a lot of new spell.
Where can i download mods from this site
I remember that i can download spell mod with i cam summon any creature from game

Santouryu3's picture

Is anyone still playing DS1 online on multiplayer Steam?

I'm new here so don't be rough on me. Kay? I'm currently looking to collaborate on an adventure in DS on my Let's Play series. I find it difficult to find someone on multiplayer because the Zonematch is disabled. Although there are some on Steam, I rarely see them play it which is sad to hear. The reason they don't play is because they blame Steam for disabling the multiplayer, but I managed to bypass it. I searched to see if there's a DS forums, and I'm surprise this one is still active for the past 12 years. If anyone is willing to reply back, let me know. I won't bite. :P


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