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DS1 & LoA General Discussion

Discuss gameplay for DS1, LoA and any DS1 mods here - no spoilers.

I Wonder What The Likelihood of This Happening Is?

 photo Dungeon Siege Screen - 0000_zpsioamr2dx.png

Seriously. The first time playing in a month or two, this happens. I feel like it's happened before, and I'm certain it's happened to one of you fine folk, but I'm certain it has a very low chance of probability of occurring.

Mixing mods

Can anybody mix these 3 mods?


Adepts and Revived works fine with eachother but... V-mod doesnt work neither of them... If you open V-mod with adepts you get a fatal error, if you open v-mod with revived some features doesnt work. And they all are good mods! And i guess they all are working in LoA yet you need to use a diffrent version of revived.

I would be grateful to anyone can do it <3

Can i share mods that i found?

Hi, I'm new to siegetheday haven't played DS like 10 years. I've came back to play it again than i saw the mods. And i've lost myself in it ^^

And after talking a few people on steam and a russian torrent uploader I've found like 50-70 mods. And i guess some of them are lost which means they are not uploaded on anywhere (on or or or

mods like Nivisec 10000 item mod

Nivisec 10.000 itmes mod

I'm looking for the Nivisec Item Prefix and suffix Mod, SiegeNetwork is down and i cannot find any other source with it. Does anyone still have it?

Why Do You Still Play Dungeon Siege?

Why do you, as a person, still play Dungeon Siege? What does it mean to you? Here are my reasons;

A Collage of DS:LOA

Rebuilding a mod repository.

Does anyone have Dungeon Siege Revived LoA version of the mod? I can't seem to find any DL link on the site Also the cutie girl v2_0, as I've only managed to find 1.7.

Those are the one's I'd like if I can't get everything, but I'd like to request to have any mods you guys still have of this game, as I've only found a handful from these areas (besides the Ultima 5 & 6 conversions home sites)


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