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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Site Discussion

Discuss our site here.


I would love to have RSS feeds from STD.o! This would be a great way to see whats haappening on this site from anywhere else on the net.

the mod for PHPBB is HERE

I use this on my LinAV forum as you can see by clicking on the RSS FEEDS link.

Balderstrom's picture

Odd Email notification

Subject contains the board "topic" in question, but the body of the email is empty...or is this normal?

The crew

Let me present the fantastic new crew.

Strider as allseeing admin and honcho.

Sharkull as moderator and almighty bringer of smileys and good stuff.

Bare_elf as moderator and technoelf.

And finally Savante as moderator and nodeswinging dude.

Give them an applause. ^^

Strider978's picture

How did you hear we were back? And where should we go?

Hey ya'll I believe it was sharkull that posted the question in the Q & A forum and I think its a very valid question so I thought it deserved its own topic,

How did you hear that Siegetheday was back?

And now to add a question of my own, what would you like to see Siegetheday become?

More of a 'friendly' site much like siegenetworks was? A massive modding resources? Something else? What?

Looking forward to your feedback.


You might be seeing a few available themes if you check your profile. Use subSilver so you don't end up with a bunch of errors and missing features.

Forum setup treating you ok?

What do you guys think about the way the forums are setup right now?
I removed the descriptions to give it a cleaner look, and the titles are pretty selfexplanatory anyway. And as you can see we are using subforums now and attachments appear to be working now. There is a limit of how big images can be in dimensions since the php extension that creates thumbnails is a big buggy. Dimensions up to 1100x900 seems to work fine though.
The file size limit is pretty generous but please only use it if you have to since I have only set aside 300 Mb for this.

What is going on right now.

Just thought I should let you guys know what's going on with right now.
We now have our own directory with a unique IP with cpanel and ftp access. All we are waiting for now is for the DNS to be set to point to the new ip.

Edit: I'm not gonna use the new space till I get things sorted with goDaddy.


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