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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Site Discussion

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PlanetDS site

Has it just died?

techiem2's picture

Merry Christmas to the Community!

As we all know the DS mod and information sites seem to be disappearing by the day.
So as a bit of a gift to the community I picked up several new domains the other day to be used for ds modding and information and such. Smile
I have a few ideas, but obviously I want input as to what kind of things we want to do/store/etc., so give me ideas so I can start figuring out how implement stuff!

The domains are:


info (wiki maybe?)
name (modder blogs or something?)
me (URL shortener maybe?)
tv (videos?)

RzR332Guyver's picture

Kane's Content unlock ~ Help?

Hello, I have been looking forever to find a working download for Kane's Content Unlock Mod, and I can not seem to find it anywhere. Can someone help me, please? I would appreciate it a lot.

Thanks For Staying Open

Hello Siegetheday crew! Thanks for keeping the site going. I've returned to DS2 modding it appears. I simple cannot find another ARPG that allows the same modding depth. I don't think I ever will!

When posting code to a forum

I have noted that when some people post code to a forum the forum width changes and one is forced to scroll left and right to read everything in each post. The reason is that people are not formatting the data correctly. They will often times just post the template and not tell the site that it is code or they will use the wrong formatting option such as (code)template(/code). The correct formating option for posting a template or other software code is <code>template</code>


DXTBmp version 4.00.96

8/16/24/32 bit and DXT Extended Bitmap Manipulation
Also supports DDS and many other game texture formats

Supports 565, 555-1, 444-4 and DXT (CFS2/FS2002) formats for loading and saving. Now also supports DDS

Images can be passed to any Paint program for editing in 24 bit and then re-imported and saved in any of the 16/24/32 bit formats.

Transparency (Alpha) channel of textures can be viewed and edited separately from the main image

Phantasmos's picture

I have a problem with Tank Viewer,it says Unknown header everytime I try to open a file

I have a problem with Tank Viewer,it says Unknown header everytime I try to open a file.I was using it few yrs ago and didnt have any problems.So hope someone here knows whats the problem


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