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Site Discussion

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About party members, is there any mod that allows more than 8?

So that is it, is there any mod that allows more than 8 party members, and that removes the thing of having to buy more slots for hire?

Oh yeah, is there any utraean race mod too?

Thanks all

Search broken

I tried to find some examples of heads/hair and put "mutton chop" into the search function. Got "You must include at least one positive keyword with 3 characters or more." in response. Tried various things and always got the same answer. I suspect it's not getting the form data at all.

Tried it with nothing entered, and it detected that, so it's a bit more subtle, but not much.

MiuMelody's picture

Character you are prodest of?

Post a picture or tell us about your favourite character/the one you played the most.

MiuMelody's picture

Teach me Senpai

Would anyone teach me or give me links where I can learn to do custom content/custom maps? I want to learn it so bad Laughing out loud

Any way to not buy Dungeon Siege on Steam if I already got it?

I already have Dungeon Siege 1 and Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna (disk versions). Is there any way for me to not buy the version on Steam to play multiplayer since I already have the disk versions on my computer?

MiuMelody's picture

Anyone multi?

So as you saw from the previous posts,me and drake started playing multiplayer,we had much fun,but we decided that instead of picking the basic level 39 characters,to come up with our own ones at the beggining of the broken world.
So the question (and request) is if are there persons who'd like to join us"? If you play with mods we can download them,but for the multiplayer session please remove the magic item mod,if you have it.
Thanks for the feedback.If you're joining we'll discuss the character classes.

Siege the day : Mod highlight

I was thinking that a "Mod Highlight" section in the home page of the web site could be a nice addition for various reasons.

-Could help players to keep tracks of the new versions of their favorite mods.
-Promote the mods to help moders and reward their hard work with more popularity.
-Show some activiy of the community.
-Put a bit of color (screenshots) and fresh stuff on the main page.

It could be some kind of box on the side of the page, a banner or a drop-down menu...

What do you think about that?



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