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News & Announcements

Read up on the news.

Site will be down tomorrow.

I will disable the site tomorrow for a few hours. I don't have an exact time but it will likely be somewhere around 10 AM GMT. Many of you should be in bed at that time! :P

Everything should be working relatively normal after this. (we hope)

Sporadic maintenance work

There will be some sporadic site maintenance going on this week so make sure to save any posts before submitting them, so they are not lost if I lock the site as you are posting. I'll try to make sure no one is logged in, but since I can only work during certain hours I can make no guarantees.

You are welcome to cross your fingers. ^^


A new "In the name of the king" trailer is available. ^^
According to the end of the movie the movie will be in theaters December 5th.

That trailer looks rather good just as this one did. Dare we hope the movie will actually be good? ^^

Sharkull's picture

Dungeon Siege Heaven Closing Down

Sad news for the DS community:

Since about a year ago we have been looking for someone to take over leadership of this site. ...

Unfortunately we didn't find anyone. Therefor, we are now archiving the site. By archiving I don't mean we will delete all files from the Internet forever. No, much of the content here at DSH is still useful both for new and existing players, and we still get a fairly high amount of visitors despite our rare updates. What we are doing though, is to remove any interactive elements of the site so as to remove and needs of moderation or content creation.

A heads up

I will put the site in Maintenance mode tonight around 10-11 pm my time (GMT +2), depending on when I get home from work, to do some work on the site.

Happy 4:th of July!

Happy 4:th of July to our friends in the US!

Hope you have a great day!

ps. Don't get too drunk or start chasing fireworks. ^^

Thanks for all the trout, Strider!

Because of limited time caused by the mythical phenomena called "real life" Strider no longer has the necessary time for serving as forum administrator for this site, and has asked to step down as such. He will still continue to be a member though.

It is much thanks to him that I still have hair on my head so I would like to publicly thank him for the valuable feedback and time that he has given as a member of our fine staff. Oh, and thanks for all the trout! :trout:


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