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News & Announcements

Read up on the news.

Switch to php5

I'm going to switch over to php5 so I can update the platform to a more recent version. But if anything bad happens rest assured that Siegetheday will be back quickly. (I have tons of backups)

Sharkull's picture

DSMMORPG is back!

brkopac and xmen90s have confirmed that their DSMMORPG project is back up and running! Laughing out loud Equally happy news is that they are making it a "GPL / Open source project".

Read more here:

U6 Project Interview

There is a nice interview at RPGwatch with Jesse 'Zephyr' Strachman the co-lead producer of the U6 Project.

Something old and exciting

Marcus Al’Ruen, Scribe of King Rathmor wrote:
Where does one simply begin to explain the vast history of our lands, of Aranna? Never
before has the history of Aranna been told, never has its great story been heard in its
entirety. Wars were waged, kingdoms fell, and the world was broken. Every event that
leads to where I sit today, every battle, every invasion, every hero, all happened as a
result of a previous occurrence. Discovering the history of Aranna cannot be possible
Sharkull's picture

New news from GPG

There's lots of new news in the latest GPG newsletter, including an interview with Demigod's lead designer with more details on Demigod, mention of some upcoming SpaceSiege goodies and even announcing MP Sudoku on GPGnet!

Happy new year!!

I hope this new year will grant us a good DS movie and lots of great mods and gameplay! ^^
Oh, and a DS3 announcement! Smile

May you always have lots of friends, and always be able to slay Krug!


Who cares about the holidays or getting a new armor?

SiegeNetwork is back! ^^

ps. Thanks for pointing it out sjr.


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