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News & Announcements

Read up on the news.

Strider978's picture

Ds2 Toolkit Released

As pointed out helpfully by sjr the DS2 toolkit has been offically released go here

And grab it.

Go to work.


Siegetheday is being brought back. We really need a place to hang and since is still down I'm gonna host this site myself. I'm gonna use an old database so some news will be missing, but they are old news now anyway. Smile Unfortunatelly some posts and accounts will be missing as well.

The site is being hosted on a server that a friend has put me in charge of, but I'm gonna look into getting my own space for the site eventually as we grow. I will also try to keep ads away from the site.

I know lots of things needs to be improved but unfortunatelly I won't have very much time in the next week to work on this so you will have to be patient.

Trials and tribulations

Sorry guys, we are simply being played by the darker winds of entropy. A hardware failure caused our site to go down. We will use for now.

We where also planning on merging with, but it felt better after some pondering to just keep trucking as

A new host is being set up for us so will work soon again. Right now it simply points to

Also this server uses safePHP so file attachments don't work right now.

New look

We have a new frontpage for the site. It isn't done yet but it is getting there. The forums have changed look as well. Right now we are using a default theme but that will change as soon as a new template has been finished. Also you can now post attachments on the forums.

Please try things out and let us know if you find any bugs.

We will likely move back to the old server on monday when I get back from a quick vacation.

DS2 Demo is available!

The demo is finally available for download.
The file is rather large but can be downloaded from both Fileplanet and 3D Gamers.

Get it here!

You can also get it from here: (links copied from GPG Garage)
Game Guru Mania

The move!

Well we have moved again, we're getting good at this :), because Eccentricity who provided our old space ran into some problems. The dns for should be set to point here but that will take some time. For now use

We're sorry about any inconvenience caused by this.

And we are finally back!

Well after the mess with our former host we are finally back on a new server hosted by Eccentricity, and with a new database. Hopefully the old can provide us with a backup of the old database so we can do a merge, but we wont hold our breath. Smile

For those who don't know what happened, our old database and entire directory on the server was deleted by our former host, by mistake.

Smilies and avatars will be added and changes made to the site so be patient with us as we try to work things out.

The frontpage will be recieving some work as soon as we are sure everything works with the f


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