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News & Announcements

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Sharkull's picture

More modding information coming from GPG?

GPG's heroTop has posted some great news (over at the Garage) about some upcoming documentation to be written...

heroTop wrote:
Hey gang, I've been tasked to answer all of your tuning path / dev_point questions as I am the monster designer for the DS franchise.

Unfortunately this is no small task... :/

So what I'm going to kill two Kurgan with one stone. I have also been asked to make an internal document on the whole process for our spiffy new internal knowledge DB here at GPG. This being the case, when I get that done I will do a forum version for you all.

Sharkull's picture

DS2 modding tutorial videos by Marcos

Marcos over at the GPGarage posted links to some modding tutorial videos he created. Right now there's one for DS2 modding "Basics", one for "3ds Max Basics", and a two part video on creating unique terrain nodes!

The videos can be found here:

Way to go Marcos! Laughing out loud

Note: WinRAR (or another decompression utility that can work with rar files) is needed to view the videos, and Marcos is asking that no direct links to the videos be used...

A lost friend

This was posted by firebat over on Herena Forge.

After hearing nothing from him in a long time i got a conformation last week that Charles “Eccentricity” W. is no longer with us.
Charles was a guy that always did things his own way, not everyone liked him because of that but it game him a very special personality.

Toying with luck

I'm in the progress of updating the site so if the forums disappears it is only temporary.

DS2 expansion is in the works!

The last newsletter for this year contained an interesting fact.

Looking ahead, 2006 will be another exciting year for GPG, as we have many unannounced projects in development. I don't want to spoil all the surprises for 2006, and we'll announce them as soon as we can. Keep an eye on your inbox for more news in the months ahead. Oh, and we'll be announcing the release date for the DS2 Expansion Pack as well.

Ultima 5: Lazarus released

If you don't know about it the first Ultima remake, Ultima 5: Lazarus, for Dungeon Siege 1 has been released.
It is available for both the mac and pc version of DS. Go here for more information.

DSII Tool Kit V1.1 Released


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