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Other Games

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Starting into U6P with the version 1.0 release. Bringing back the love i felt for both Ultima and Dungeon Siege. Smile

And you know I have to make a few alterations to the graphics and put my baldness into the game. ^^


Civilization V

In case you are also afraid of Sid Meier's upcoming Civ 5:

==>'re not alone. Laughing out loud

Sharkull's picture

Portal for free...

Act before May 24th to get your free copy of Portal!
Just install Steam if you haven't already, then grab Portal for free now.

Downloaded it last night and I just beat the campaign. Cool stuff, and you can't beat the price. Smile Replaying with the developer commentary on before trying the extra puzzles.

Kings and Castles

Uh, have you seen!? - GPG is going to make a new RTS game called Kings and Castles.

Actually i'm bit surprised, i've thought they would be completely absorbed by Supreme Commander 2 !? :?
However i'm not surprised that they don't create a 3rd Dungeon Siege currently, improbable that it could compete with Diablo 3...



Torchlight -

Torchlight is an action role-playing-game for the PC made by the creators of Diablo, Fate, and the never-released Mythos among other games. Set in the mining town of Torchlight, players will adventure to uncover the mysteries of the Ember mines. It offers a fully featured character leveling system, randomized dungeons, hordes of monsters, and gobs of great loot.

free demo available and the price for the full game is quite low


Dragon Age - Origins

wow, get this one..!!

- it's amazing..!! :woot:



Just finished Risen last days.

It's a Gothic III clone or kinda sequel, about a minimum of 30 hours of gameplay.

With the latest patch, I've encountered some minor dialog bugs, but nothing blocking just npc talking about things they should not yet, or not anymore. I've been stuck 2 times on the map during the whole game due to ground/object collision with the player model, and also slipped once "under the map ground".

It is a fun game, however the ending suxx xD



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