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DS:LOA Skins/Landscape to Roll20

shadow smile's picture

As the subject describes, I was wondering what would be the best way of utilizing the systems from Siege Editor and exporting them to be utilized as token/tiles within Roll20 (D&D Online).

I love the 'top down' approached GPG took with Dungeon Siege and would like to utilize those assets in a game. My old knowledge of the engine has faded considerably. I thought I may be able to import into 3ds max and make a 2d top down render? Landscapes would be the easiest as they are just textures wrapped - but I still cant seem to find the old files (Maybe because I had to redownload via Steam)

Any insight is appreciated!

shadow smile's picture

Update: I remember their being a RAW (DS Version) to PSD converter someone had. I only get dead links upon finding them. Does anyone have a version and an updated tut on how to pul gas files for extraction, to get a hold of the raw?

shadow smile wrote:
Update: I remember their being a RAW (DS Version) to PSD converter someone had. I only get dead links upon finding them. Does anyone have a version and an updated tut on how to pul gas files for extraction, to get a hold of the raw?

In the DS1 Tools section here on the site is a Raw to PSD converter, here is the link

The link below has a boatload of tools and things if anyone is interested in them.

In the Texture Tools tab you'll find a Raw-To-PSD-GUI, just drop this exe into the RawToPsd folder and run it, you can see the difference it makes in the third image, simple things for simple minds thats how I roll. :dance3:

... (Extract feature thereof) is what Shadow Smile must use to get at the RAW files in the first place, am I right?