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Guess whos Back :O

Hey guys its been awhile since Ive been on here or played DS2 for that much, Ive had alot of work and school stuff also neeeded a new computer due to my old one only had 20 gig and could bearly support the new games or my mods for that much... but Im back, and stacked, got a new 120 gig drive and a 3.4 ghrz processor! and ready to work , infact loading Ds2 atm =P well hope to talk to you all later peace =P :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Yay! Welcome back! Cool

Hey, welcome back Reaper. Smile

Glad to be back =P, So whats up with the expansion, Is it looking good?

LoneKnight's picture

Welcome back, mate. Good to see some members returning from the Blight.

Sharkull's picture

Reaper wrote:
Glad to be back =P, So whats up with the expansion, Is it looking good?

Welcome back. Smile

Yeah, some of the dual-class stuff is sounding quite sweet. I have yet to check out those new videos though.

Tell me about it! I cant seem to get my computer to watch them =/
I heard the expansion is gonna be like DS2 so aint really expecting much =/


Sharkull's picture

Check the front page of this site for a bunch of DS2:BW news... the best information (IMO) is in the developer interviews, but some of the news snippets have some good info too. Smile