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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

need help

i am trying to edit weapons in ds2 in order to get used to the process of making new weapons using existing models. i have been trying to change the minigun_grenade_launcher in the weapon projectiles gas file. i have changed the damage but i cant seem to get the changes to show up in the game. i have read most of the tutorials about editing but the dont do a very good job explaining exactly what to do. please help me.

I'm sorry but it seems like noone knows.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Perhaps you should stick to modding DS1, its a lot easier to do, and the tutorials are better. Cool

I think I had that same problem while making weapons for DS1 but unfortunately I can't recall what the problem was. I'm pretty sure it's not a hard thing to fix though, even with DS2.

firebat's picture

Did you retank the file?

Sharkull's picture

There is no minigun_grenade_launcher in DS2... that might be your problem. :? I know guru had a mod that enabled all the gun type weapons in DS2... not sure if there's something extra that's needed to make them work properly.