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Killzone 2

LoneKnight's picture

Well, as many of you know, Killzone, the game that gave my persona my awesome looks is coming out with a sequel for PS3. I felt I should include a trailer for it. It looks a lot darker than the origonal. A lot darker.

Just a neat little tidbit; in about 10 years the U.S. government will begin to convert soldier equiptment to having masks that have night vision, underwater breathing capabilities, and are resistant to sand, toxins, and dirt, and having no body parts exposed. They look unsettlingly similiar soldiers in Killzone.

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Thats cool, that'll probably be the game to convince my Dad to get a PS3, like Gran Turismo 3 was for the PS2 (eventually). Killzone was a great shoot-em-up. Even more unsettling is that the guys with the gas masks (Helghast?) were the bad guys.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
Just a neat little tidbit; in about 10 years the U.S. government will begin to convert soldier equiptment to having masks that have night vision, underwater breathing capabilities, and are resistant to sand, toxins, and dirt, and having no body parts exposed. They look unsettlingly similiar soldiers in Killzone.

Oh, a stormtrooper outfit. Wink

firebat's picture

I almost went to the developers of kill zone for a school project... Too bad they didn't want to see us. Sad