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Chatty Kathy's

How about a thread of general chatting? Maybe we can post things about ourselves to get to know each other better, or just post chatty stuff. So anyway, here are a few things about me:
My name is Kathleen.
I am in my late 30's.
I am 5 foot 2 inches.
I have dark brown curly hair that is to the middle of my back.
I like to read and write and play Dungeon Siege.
I like to post in forums.
My favorite pizza is mushroom

So...tell me about you? Smile

BTW, this is the "real" Chatty Cathy

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

I don't know what's become of her, but I miss her presence here.

I vote we organize a search party.. :orc:
I bet Valdis is involved somehow..

who's with me - to arms!
- let's storm Zaramoth's Horns.. Dwarf

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

I just terminated Valdis yesterday morning, but there was no Kathy in sight. Who knows? She may be hunting down the Overmage and will return when he's toast.

We all need a little personal time occasionally, so I vote we hold off on the search party for now, but I do think it's a good idea to let her know we miss her, and that her presence here is appreciated.

maybe we could extend the see-far mod for several
hundred miles, or build a new-fangled transporter..

Yikes - the Morden may have her in a dungeon somewhere! :nervous:

Sharkull's picture

The chatty one last logged in almost three fortnights ago... :? I've sent off a messenger in hopes of finding her in good spirits, but no response yet.

BTW: I've warned the messenger to beware of attempting delivery when a full moon is out...


LoneKnight's picture

Yet, in all seriousness, I am a bit worried about Kathy.

Sharkull's picture

Me too... and that's why I sent a PM to her yesterday. Google says that a "kathycf" was starting to play WoW about a month ago, so maybe she's just lost in a Blizzard (game)...

I sent an e-mail to her last week and still no reply...........which is very un-Kathy like. I hope she is ok!!!!!!

volkan's picture

Knowing her problems with severe depression is quite worrying. Hoping all is well.

I sent her a mail two weeks ago and nothing. I hope it is just her ISP messing with her.. Stare

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Well, I thought it was synchronicity when I saw that advert, because I had been thinking about Kathy prior to that and had already sent her a PM, either earlier that day or the day before, and then that advert appeared on the TV. So after all this discussion, I see that nobody here has heard from her in a while, and that increases my concern. However, in the grand scheme of things, it really hasn't been that long since she was signed in here, and I myself will disappear for extended periods of time due to active gaming, personal offline stuff, or other types of internet activity, so here's hoping (comparing with my own cyclical phases) that she's okay and will wander back in here before too much longer. I'm not sure if I have her email address, but I might; I know she has mine (but here again, I may neglect my inbox for extended periods of time as well, so if she hasn't replied to emails, that could just be due to the same sort of cyclical phase thing that I do myself; we girls, after all, do cycle through phases, just like the moon, and while some of our phases may be as fast as the lunar cycle, other types of phases we cycle through may be slower).

Sharkull's picture

Happy Halloween everyone...

volkan's picture

Found her lost in a Blizzard, like Sharkull thought. Smile

Sharkull's picture

Yes, it does look like "kathycf" has been posting there in the last couple days... Smile

/me waves at kathy, hoping she drops by here to say "hi"...

- hurray!:cheer:

I'm so glad Miss Kathy's safe..
- well done Volkan!

Sharkull's picture

...and to all a good night!

Happy Christmas everyone..

- party on!! :woot:

Sharkull's picture tease the Swede after the World Junior Hockey Championship results. As expected Canada wins Gold, again. :P

(Credit to the Swedish team though... they played well and the final game could have gone either way.) Smile


Hehe, I actually didn't even watch it. Smile

volkan's picture

Sol "mumbles" while I "grumble". Laughing out loud

Any more "umble's" out there? (Know there are no "humble's") :P

Sharkull's picture

Well... how about some bumble-berry pie? Mmmmmmmmmmm.

That is, for everyone except for the Swede team because they're probably full from their healthy serving of humble pie during the tournament.

*Chops the shark into pieces and serves them to Boll with a sweet and sour sauce!* ^^

Sharkull's picture


Is it too weird that I think a bowl of sweet and sour shark sounds tasty? Smile

volkan's picture

Cannibal. :P

Sharkull's picture

Happy St. Patrick's Day...

Sharkull's picture

I just got back from We Will Rock You (a show based on the music of Queen), and I have to say I loved it! Anyone who has a chance should see the show. Great energy, live music and performances. The sound system was amazing too... you could feel the heavy bass tones / beats in the center of your chest, but my ears aren't ringing (like they would be after a concert).

/me goes off looking for his Queen CD's... Smile

Freddie Mercury had an awesome vocal range. Queen put out some great music. Smile

Sharkull's picture

Not just vocal range, but exceptional vision of what music could be. Smile Can anyone name a song that compares to Bohemian Rhapsody's complexity, scope and creativity?

a great showman..
Bohemian Rhapsody..

Sharkull's picture
