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Chatty Kathy's

How about a thread of general chatting? Maybe we can post things about ourselves to get to know each other better, or just post chatty stuff. So anyway, here are a few things about me:
My name is Kathleen.
I am in my late 30's.
I am 5 foot 2 inches.
I have dark brown curly hair that is to the middle of my back.
I like to read and write and play Dungeon Siege.
I like to post in forums.
My favorite pizza is mushroom

So...tell me about you? Smile

BTW, this is the "real" Chatty Cathy

Thank goodness for acronyms....

lol, rotfl, ect... :P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Oh yes, and we cannot forget the horrid trailing laughter...

Person A: So did you hear about like what like happened like to like Julie? She like totally like fell for it
Person A: She was like "OMG, you like hit me with like an oatmeal bomb!"

Sad ...

So much slang...*cough* can't breathe *gasp*

Please...nooooo. *gurgle*

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

Yeah, it's getting out of hand. Change of subject? Anyone see the Departed?

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Jargon used as a parody is completely acceptable to me. The horrid grammar on sites like YouTube piss me off. I pretty much do not bother deciphering what those idiots type. I think my mind even filters out the post which include "leet speak", I didn't read the examples here Smile . T3h 4nti-1337 filt0x0x0rs!1!11!!1!1!!111! /me b4nz t3h n00bz

Site Owner of Siegecore a new Dungeon Siege 1 & 2 fansite.

Like I am so totally sick of this modern slang, fer shure. Time to embrace my inner dinosaur and speak 80's slang! That's beetchin because this modern stuff is groddy, like to the max.

You know what is really sadly amusing is how lots of people just don't read stuff. I am not talking overlooking something by accident or because one is tired. for example, I have been looking at Nvisec's site for tutorials and it is funny to read several people explaining what a directory is, how to create it and so on, and the rest of the comments are " I don't know where to find this directory! Somebody help me plz, I'm dumb, plz help meeeee". Anyway....

So what is this movie? The Departed? I think I am going to avoid movie theatres this coming week, school vacation.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

firebat's picture

kathycf wrote:
Like I am so totally sick of this modern slang, fer shure. Time to embrace my inner dinosaur and speak 80's slang! That's beetchin because this modern stuff is groddy, like to the max.

Stop it Kathy! You are starting to look old :P.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

We should be speaking in the future! Laughing out loud


firebat wrote:
kathycf wrote:
Like I am so totally sick of this modern slang, fer shure. Time to embrace my inner dinosaur and speak 80's slang! That's beetchin because this modern stuff is groddy, like to the max.

Stop it Kathy! You are starting to look old :P.

You're just jealous because I am so well seasoned. :P Classic, even.

Hey, I think TAS wants some Pi and icecream Wink

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

No, the Departed is already out on DVD. I watched it yesterday with my's not a good movie to see with one, though. Mobster movies rarely are. It takes place in Boston, which is right up your alley, Kathy. It has an amazing cast: Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Jack Nicholson, Martin Sheen, and Alec Baldwin. Very good, but not the movie for kids. Probably the best movie I've seen in the last few years.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

I'll have to add it to my Netflix queue. Sounds good. Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight wrote:
No, the Departed is already out on DVD. I watched it yesterday with my's not a good movie to see with one, though. Mobster movies rarely are. It takes place in Boston, which is right up your alley, Kathy. It has an amazing cast: Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Jack Nicholson, Martin Sheen, and Alec Baldwin. Very good, but not the movie for kids. Probably the best movie I've seen in the last few years.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Hmmmmm that cast sounds.....yummy!
/me is off to Blockbuster......

What if the hokey pokey really is what it is all about????

saraibrahim wrote:

Hmmmmm that cast sounds.....yummy!
/me is off to Blockbuster......

That group is easy on the eyes... Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

Perhaps the best speech I've ever heard from a late night talk show host...

LoneKnight's picture

I agree.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

- he's a thoroughly good fellow, is Craig..
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

What an excellent monologue. I think he had a lot of good things to say. I thought it was so telling when he briefly touched on Anna Nicole Smith's death and people in the audience thought he was going to make a joke (even though he said he wasn't) and they started giggling. How is the death of a 39 year old woman with an infant daugher amusing? How is anybody's death amusing? I didn't find Saddam Hussein's execution funny, and he was totally heinous. Smith was a woman I can't say I ever paid too much attention to, but amusement was not one of the emotions I felt when I read of her death. I guess I was sad in an abstract sort of way, and I feel sorry for that baby. Britney Spears is another woman I simply don't pay attention to. I don't watch TV very often so I wasn't aware that she seems to have lost her way.

Why do some people find laughter in other people's problems, heartaches and troubles? I guess I just don't get it. Are people's lives so jaded and empty that all this s**t is "entertainment"? (pardon my asterisks...)

Anyway, I am going to hop off the soapbox (sorry guys) and go to bed. Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

kathycf wrote:
Why do some people find laughter in other people's problems, heartaches and troubles?



Celebrity is a curse, and those who find it commonly learn this sad fact too late to change their probable fate of loneliness. What do you do when you achieve your life's greatest goal, and then realize that you're unhappy with it's result? Or even worse, what if you didn't really choose celebrity, but celebrity was branded on to you (as in the case of a child star like Britney, or A-N-S's baby... very sad)?

Yea, I remember this term now, but I guess I just don't understand the "why" of it. It seems an unpleasant aspect of human nature, sort of like taking the concept of "oh, how the mighty have fallen" and being happy that somebody got their "comeuppance". I mean, sometimes I am guilty of this myself, like snickering like crazy when certain American political figures make fools of themselves in public....but that doesn't mean I approve of this malicious thinking, in myself or others. I certainly am not perfect and would feel awful if somewhere people snicker at my misdoings...I guess it goes back to the Golden Rule type of thinking. We should try to treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

In the case of celebrities and pro athletes I think many people think they have lost touch with reality and are getting a grounding in those cases when something does happen. Celebs and athletes can certainly get away with more than a regular person can and I would suspect that many people are resentful of this at least ones that are not the enablers of their behavior. Also the fact that when they do get this fame and privilege, or at least since they are allowed to get away with more they suddenly think they are experts on all areas and spout off sophistries, more so with Celebs and politicians, athletes don't really say anything but indulge in the corpulent decedent lifestyle that they now feel owed. The Golden Rule is fine but many of these Celeb types certainly don't abide by this rule. I am fine with giving someone a second chance to behave better but not a 5th or 20th chance, obviously by that point they are not going to change.

Of course if the hero worship would stop and there were not so many enablers to them it would occur less. Also if the money involved was not out of balance that alone would likely fix many of the issues involved. If all of it went away I guess I would care as I think it is a big waste of resources and waste of time.

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I kind of think it shows the values and the direction our society is taking, when celebrities are often famous simply for being wealthy or having their most private intimate moments made into videos for others to watch. (Paris Hilton comes to mind....) At least somebody like Britney Spears actually does something to gain celebrity, I don't care for her music or personal style but she has a decent voice and certainly has an impact on her target audience.

I find it sad that people who truly perform a service like a really good and empathetic grade school teacher earns in one year what a "celeb" spends on a dress...

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Ah, Schadenfreude, one of my favorite terms...

It seems that too many people exert this quality way too much...
-How sad...


So, we got pretty serious there for a bit. Anybody have a topic they want to discuss?

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

A tool everyone running Windows should know about:

For those who don't know what a Rootkit is, take a look at the Wiki:

I ran this the other day, and was amazed to find nothing wrong with my main system. Smile

La tralala.

"I'm too sexy for my hat! what d'you think about that"

Ok, don't worry. I have returned from my trip to the dark ages of 1992 and apologize for my "Right Said Fred" outburst. :P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Keke, all the spambots seem to love the Chatty Kathy thread. They register and everything.

Hums la-la-lala-la-la and thinks of other smurfy things.

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Abstraction Forums

What they fail to realize is I have no problem eating SPAM sandwiches. They are pretty good with mustard and cheese actually. Now if only they made tofu SPAM... Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

But I don't like spam. Haven't you anything without spam?

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

-Look, Could I have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam?


-What do you mean ewwww? I don't like spam!

-Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam lovely spam! wonderful spam!!!!

-Shut up!! shut up!!!! ....... Look, you can't have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam.

-WHY not?

-Because..... Then it wouldn't be egg bacon spam and sausage, would it?


I love that skit Laughing out loud
