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Chatty Kathy's

How about a thread of general chatting? Maybe we can post things about ourselves to get to know each other better, or just post chatty stuff. So anyway, here are a few things about me:
My name is Kathleen.
I am in my late 30's.
I am 5 foot 2 inches.
I have dark brown curly hair that is to the middle of my back.
I like to read and write and play Dungeon Siege.
I like to post in forums.
My favorite pizza is mushroom

So...tell me about you? Smile

BTW, this is the "real" Chatty Cathy

Heh, you should see what I come up with when I have had even less sleep... *blushes* Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

Hey, "Chatty Kathy's" just overcame the Q&A thread in number of posts. This thread was certainly a great idea Kath. Smile

Well, if that news doesn't call for a dancing banana, I don;t know what will. Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture


Hey TAS, did you make that smiley? Nice! /me loves dancing produce... Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

That gif gives me a headache.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

It has come to our notice that a certain gif contravenes Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilitoies Act.

This web site must either be shut down immediately, or return all its government funding. If the funding did not come from the government, then it must have come from a terrorist organisation, so the site must be shut down immediately.


Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

ghastley wrote:
It has come to our notice that a certain gif contravenes Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilitoies Act.

This web site must either be shut down immediately, or return all its government funding. If the funding did not come from the government, then it must have come from a terrorist organisation, so the site must be shut down immediately.


Isn't our dear Admin in Sweden? Why should he care about an American law? ^^ From what I heard about solly, he is a real scofflaw...

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

Bleh saw a lot of real dead bodies today. A friend of mine is making a video thing for college about drinking and driving. I am doing some editing for it. A lot of nasty stuff there. You never realize how fragile the human body is when you see a body twisted completely in half. Most of the bodies I don't mind, not even the dismemberment or smashed skulls. What I cannot stand are bodies that have open eyes. It just bothers me more than any other grizzly sight. A word 'o wisdom to everyone here. Don't drink 'n drive.

I'll bite my lip and try to finish this editing. Pffff.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

That actually sounds interesting, LK......

Sorry, I did not make the "headache inducing" produce, I think LK needs some "Head on, apply directly to the forehead" Laughing out loud

Who is going to celebrate Valentine's Day and how?

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

Spending the whole day (and the night, too) with my girlfriend. I hear there is a big Nor'Easter heading towards CT though...that may put a dab on things.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Sharkull's picture

Considering the weather forcast, it looks like I may be "celebrating" the day by shovelling snow.

Don't be a meany! Share that fun with your significant other!

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

My SO prefers to let me do the shovelling. Who says chivalry is dead? :P At any rate, it seems somebody will have to shovel, the snow is expected to really fly...

(no, he does his share of shovelling. )

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

Ah, I was going to say...who has the lady do all of the work?

Sharkull's picture

Believe me I'd love to share the task (it's c-c-cold outside), but I'm single right now so I'm out of luck there...

I can put on some snow shoes and come on up and help you shovel, Sharkull. Of course, by the time I made it all the way to Canada, it would be springtime.... ^^ :P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Good grief, is this snow ever going to stop! I am going to need snowshoes just to get to the mailbox! For that matter, my dog is going to need showshoes, just so he can go out and do what dogs like to do in the snow... Shock

Quick change of anybody else as irritated with slang as I am?! "You" is not a long word to type out...why can't people just type out three letters instead of writing "u" all the time. I hate that! *grumble* [rant] [/rant]

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

If using a cell-phone keypad to send a quick message then using "u" is OK with me (typing on a number pad is a pain)... but if using a normal keyboard then I would expect that the full proper spelling be used. IMO, anything less would be lame (typos excluded of course). When I see such things it tells me something about the author (usually that their comments might be worthy of ignoring). Wink

And there's no need to hike up here now Kathy (the snow's stopped and all shovelled now). I was kind of wondering what bunny slippers strapped into snowshoes would look like though. :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

In person, people sometimes get annoyed by me, as I have the habit of correcting people's grammar. :P

I would wear my snowbunny slippers for winter time.... ^^

When I wrote my comment, I had just come from another forum ...a forum that is for people who enjoy reading. You would thing that such people would understand the value of say...punctuation, and even grammar. Not to mention spelling. Someone had asked for help and I read their post with all those errors in it and concluded it was beyond my capabilities to provide any help given the fact I could barely understand what they were asking. You are correct, Sharkull. The best I can do is just ignore that sort of thing because people need to learn how to write and speak properly ...and I am not the one to show them. :P

I guess that is the point of writing properly. Not to be snobbish, but so that people understand you. I refuse to learn all this slangy c**p just so I can understand what "pwnnorzzed" means. Please, don't anybody tell me... Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

firebat's picture

Y helo thar!

so I can understand what "pwnnorzzed" means. Please, don't anybody tell me...

If we told you, we'd have to kill you. :gangster:

The whole point of that kind of jargon is to prevent understanding. It's the secret that only the inner circle knows, which makes them special, because they know and nobody else does. But unless the unknowing know they don't know, it's not as special as it might be, so the words get used in public as much as possible.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Ah, that explains it. Do the users of such jargon know when they ask a question with slangspeak, that they are going to be limited in the replies they get? Laughing out loud

/me looks threateningly at firebat...Don't EVER do that again! :P Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Do the users of such jargon know when they ask a question with slangspeak, that they are going to be limited in the replies they get?

Irrelevant, because they wouldn't understand the replies anyway!

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

LoneKnight's picture

Yeah, internet slang can get annoying...

I totally hxored n pwned you all so omg lol rofl bbq n00bs cause im l33t


Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

*reads previous post, brain explodes, brains all over computer*

Cleanup on aisle 12....:P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Not 1337?

Go for the "totally digital" version!

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Yea.. what a n00blet...

I love OMGWTFBBQ though since it sounds so stupid and random when spoken out loud.

Can't say it here though. Smile
