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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

I wonder ...

Where everyone has gotten to? Have not seen any new posts in the forums related to modding. Just a few notes from the regulars and questions from our new friends. Maybe the end of the world happened and I just missed it. Oh well off to herd cats and visit a few other sites.

Hope all is well with everyone.




techiem2's picture

I'm busy herding doctors...

I am busy killing zombies.

bare_elf wrote:
Where everyone has gotten to? Have not seen any new posts in the forums related to modding. Just a few notes from the regulars and questions from our new friends. Maybe the end of the world happened and I just missed it. Oh well off to herd cats and visit a few other sites.

Hope all is well with everyone.
. . .

If there was an apocalypse then it didn't get me. :P

I just was travelling around a bit during the holidays. Now I'm back, and I hope I can finish the pending DS2 things as long as the winter lasts.

Been busy with new job, refurbishing my apartment & getting finances stabilized.

Keeps my old butt tired But it is a good tired. Smile

PhoeniX wrote:
Been busy with new job, refurbishing my apartment & getting finances stabilized.

Keeps my old butt tired But it is a good tired. Smile

Happy your busy and good to see you again
