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o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world?

Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one!

Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? Cool (that was a question BTW)

this is a Q & A forum, not just an A...

Anonymous wrote:
we don't need to explore deep space - we're already there...

Sharkull's picture

Guest 2 wrote:
this is a Q & A forum, not just an A...

Guest 1 wrote:
we don't need to explore deep space - we're already there...

Guest 2: That goes for you too... :P

...and Guest 1 should know better (as a regular poster on this forum). :!:

Q.) Do cheaters never win, or do winners never cheat?

That depends on context. If you try to cheat yourself, then I'd say you lose (self deception is a bad thing). If you're talking about games, then technically cheaters typically do better, but whether that could be considered "winning" would be a subjective value judgement. I guess the determining factor is what exactly you consider "winning"... By my definition I'd say that (generally speaking) cheaters never win.

Do you prefer waffles or pancakes (and with what toppings)?
My choice would be waffles with real butter and genuine Canadian maple syrup.

Pankakes with good ol buttah and true Maple syrup YUMMMMMMMMMMAYYYYYYYYY

Oh and i cook it with bananna slices or berries
and for my daughter ill throw some chocolate chips in the mix

When you cook are you a go buy the book step by step ingredients or a lets improvise and add your own using directions as a guideline?

MMMMM, waffles with butter and MASSACHUSETTS Wink produced maple syrup, yum...Oh, sharkull, Canada has maple trees for syrup?? Insane ( uh oh, I'd better be careful or.... Shark

to answer KMD's question, I typically like to look at the cookbooks, but I am a total improviser. It ususally is edible though!!!! Laughing out loud

Q.) Since it is spring, who is going to start a garden?

KillerMondoDude wrote:
Pankakes with good ol buttah and true Maple syrup YUMMMMMMMMMMAYYYYYYYYY

Oh and i cook it with bananna slices or berries
and for my daughter ill throw some chocolate chips in the mix

When you cook are you a go buy the book step by step ingredients or a lets improvise and add your own using directions as a guideline?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Heheheheh... Its autumn here in the good ol' Southern Hemisphere...

And when I cook I tend to improvise, but I'll glance at the cookbook to make sure I don't leave anything vital out, like milk in a smoothie... yes, I forgot milk once and relied totally on the yogurt for liquid content :P.

EDIT: Forgot the question :silly:, so here it is:

Do you prefer laptops or desktop computers? I prefer desktops, I wouldn't really move the lapton around unless I had to charge it and they're more expensive for the same stuff (i.e RAM, disk drives, hard drive space...)

(*edits post again so smily works*)

True, Loup_Ombrage, I forgot you had mentioned in a post you were from NZ (right? or did I imagine that?) I actually have a notebook and a desktop and you are right, you certainly do pay more for portability in a desktop is much faster and has a nice big monitor, but I also like laying in bed playing Dungeon Siege on my notebook, so I guess there are good and bad points to both.

Ok, another food question ( I didn't eat dinner yet, does it show? I'm hungry!)

Q.) What are your favorite foods that taste good, but look bad?

( I have to go with hummus and peanut butter myself, I like both, but they ..."icky".)

Loup_Ombrage wrote:
Heheheheh... Its autumn here in the good ol' Southern Hemisphere...

And when I cook I tend to improvise, but I'll glance at the cookbook to make sure I don't leave anything vital out, like milk in a smoothie... yes, I forgot milk once and relied totally on the yogurt for liquid content :P.

EDIT: Forgot the question :Silly:, so here it is:

Do you prefer laptops or desktop computers? I prefer desktops, I wouldn't really move the lapton around unless I had to charge it and they're more expensive for the same stuff (i.e RAM, disk drives, hard drive space...)

Sharkull's picture

All my favorite food looks good to me... Laughing out loud (if I have to say something I'll go with cottage cheese).

/me looks up and sees blasphemous comment about Canadian Maple Syrup. 8O
85% of the world's supply of Maple Syrup comes from Canada!

Is there a food product that your home city / region / country is famous for? If so, what is it?

EEp! Blaphemy alert! Heh, I just thought it was funny because Canada has a big ol maple leaf on it's flag...Oh, btw, Sharkull.... You left out the french fries..."In Canada, the maple syrup industry is surpassed only by frozen French fries in single commodity exports." Huh, go figure. I live in the state of Massachusetts (USA) and Boston is known for it's baked beans. My mum used to force me to eat them on Saturday nights with hotdogs and another New England thing, brown bread ( bread in a can) Ewwww.

Q.) Are you a good driver?
( I am, never had even one speeding ticket! :dance3: )

Sharkull's picture

Yes, I am a good driver... but I know my limitations too (I won't drive in downtown Toronto because it's a nightmarish maze of pedestrians, taxis and agressive drivers...). No tickets ever, but one not-at-fault accident (someone ran a red light into me Sad ). I was even driving one time, and my brakes disappeared (pedal to the floor, totally soft... 8O ) and I managed to stop safely. :phew:

The french fries are because of McCain's, who (AFAIK) came up with the idea of frozen fries... but I don't think they are "famous", only popular in sales. I'd put Canadian back-bacon above the ff's for fame, after the maple syrup. ...and BTW, what about chowder? :P

What would your dream vacation week be like (if cost was irrelevant)?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

A relaxing holiday on an island all to myself and my friends/family (obviously, its a smaller island), with sand, calm water on one beach and good surfing/bodyboarding etc water on the other, shade, sun, good food (seafood of course), good fishing spots, nice scenery, one of those big yachts, windsurfing, kayaking, a nice house to stay in, maybe a bigger version of the apartment I stayed in at The Aquarius in Australia last year, fruit trees and stuff like that, maybe a small go-karting course or roller coaster.....

And kathy, I have mentioned that I'm from NZ, I can't remember which thread though.

Q: Whats the funniest stereotypes you've encountered about your country/state?

I had a great one once were someone thought NZ was part of Australia, and asked me how I managed to hook electricity up to my grass hut. (They were being serious 8O ), or that Malcom in the Midlle episode with the geniune New Zealand "mocking mask". Maybe slightly further northeast in Fiji or something, but we have no mocking masks here in NZ. Laughing out loud

Rambling Post Alert :!:
ooops, thanks for reminding me about chowder, Sharkull..It is a regional speciality. Massachusetts (and Maine, too, I think) are also known for clam chowder. It is made a certain way in New England (FYI, "New England" refers to a region of states in the north east of the US) I guess the reason I forgot it is because I have a shellfish allergy . A dream vacation for a week would be someplace quiet and secluded, way in the woods and right next to a lake, 'cause I loves me some hiking and swimming! (sorry about your car accident, they are scary...)

I am reading Loup_Ombrage's post and I am willing to bet that the folks who thought you lived in a grass hut were Americans...I am an American,btw and I like my country, but I think as a nation we can be VERY ignorant of other cultures ...I could say more but I won't get into a political debate. Cool I went to Ireland a while ago to visit relatives and attend a wedding and a very dear friend of mine asked if they had bathrooms in Ireland!!! 8O I guess she thought they did their "business" in the bushes someplace, lol. To anwser the question, however, I think one of the funniest stereotypes some of my fellow countrymen have of Massachusetts is that everyone who lives here is a rich snob. Either that, or if you say you are from South Boston, they think you are an Irish drunkard (another stereotype, the Irish drunk...) Personally I happen to think that people who use stereotypes to describe others are simply lazy lazy thinkers. They cannot be bothered to find out the truth. Whew, I am exhausted from all this typing and such..I am going to ask a simple question.

Q.) How do you wear your hair?
(mine is a little past shoulder length, very dark brown and curly)

My hair is wild it does what it wants to do

Long or short not allowed to shave

How come its called procrastination? Like theirs any amature crastinators out there

Loup_Ombrage's picture

I'm an amature crastinator... I always give into temptation and do stuff instead of waiting it out and not doing it. But I'm getting there Laughing out loud

And yeah, the person was American. We have our American stereotypes as well ("you say you've lived in America, but you could still see the skyline?"), though, just alot less :P

Q: Did you prepare for Y2K way back then?

Hell yea i did i went to Vegas for the Y2k i figured if the world was going to hell id be at ground zero

Whats the most insane thing youve ever done?

The most insane thing I've ever done was get married, just kidding. I was too young when I got married, but youth isn't the same as insanity...most of the time Wink . Plus, I am divorced so I guess I am saner now. Crazy Insane

Um, let me think...Ok, a long time ago, I was at a bar/restaurant with some friends and I met up with this guy that I knew when I was about 10 years old and we got "friendly" with each other and he stalked me for a little while. So it was insane on my part because I assumed that I knew him, but he had turned into a stranger who , you know, was kinda insane. One always has to use common sense and make safety a priority. Oh, yeah, being a crastinator is my vocation in life, so I am for sure a procrastinator!

Q.) Do you like to burn scented candles? ( I do! )

(edit: sorry this is such a lame question... my excuse is I have a headache :roll: )

Only to mask the scent of the rotting corpses HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Insane Laughter HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH

Not really most of the scented candles are to girly that they affect the flow of my testosterone Now if they Made Dead Critters on the BBQ Hell yea id use them or the ever fashoionable car greese and sweat But just plain Lavender or Vanilla Nuh Uh cause theyd make me wear frilly undies and buy fashionable accesories

what is your greatest secret pleasure that would shock the hell out of anyone who knows you?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

My greatest secret pleasure that would shock the hell out of everyone is the random fantasies that come into my head without bidding, against my will (most of the time) and for no reason at all ( I sort of have a reputation as one of those quiet kids who does his work, doesn't think dirty and doesn't swear... other people know me better)
... ah, the wonders of puberty...

Q: What is your greatest fear?

Q: What is your greatest fear?

Losing the people I love.

Q.) To quote a song lyric is "love all you need" ?

To quote another song

Your lovin' gives me a thrill
But your lovin' don't pay my bills
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want

Have you ever been expirienced?

KMD, are you quoting Jimi Hendrix at me? Laughing out loud

Have you ever been expirienced?

Not all have had the "kathy" experience, what ever that, my answer is maybe...(is that cryptic and mysterious?)

Q.) What is a word that you think is funny?

I don't mean the word's defintion, I mean do you think it just sounds silly or funny.For example my choice would be this one---crapulous \KRAP-yuh-lus\, adjective:

1. Suffering the effects of, or derived from, or suggestive of gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous stomach.
2. Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking;

To me, it looks like a combo of "crap" meaning junky and "fabulous" , so in my head I change the meaning to something more along the lines of ultra-crappy ie "Are you going to see the Dungeon Siege movie when it comes out? It looks like it will be crapulous!"

Darn it, I was just logged in and when I posted I was oddly logged out! 8O

That last , very crapulous post was mine, I will await an answer.

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Words I think are funny are kumquat, hippomonstrosoquipedeliaphobia (sic?) which is the fear of big words, and last, but not least, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Q: Would you ver go on a quiz show?

*me* faints at the ultra long words!! Smile "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", awesome!
Loup_Ombrage, what a great question! I actually took and passed the test for the quiz show "Jeopardy" when they had tryouts in Boston, Massachusetts, a few years ago but they never called me to go on the show. Crying Too bad, I wanted to win buckets of money! Sigh, missed my chance for fame and fortune, how utterly crapulous. On a related note...

Two part question:
I: Do you like quiz shows? II: Which one(s)?
(yes) (Jeopardy)

Used ta but they got boring

If you had to pic a non fictional character who most represents you who would it be?

(Mine is Cliff Claven from Cheers cause my brain is chock full of usless information and obscure facts)

Umm, KMD, snookums, I thought "cliffy" was a fictional charahcter, not a non fictional one...(just teasing you) My choice for a fictional character would be a conglomerate of a few from the 1984 movie "The Breakfast Club" I am/was
mostly a combination of weird girl and brainy nerd with a thin coating of rebellious kid. "Don't you..forget about me" *me* walks off, fist in the air singing with the Simple Minds (and yes, I am going to post the lyrics Smile )

Q.) What is the worst job you have ever had?

KillerMondoDude wrote:
Used ta but they got boring

If you had to pic a non fictional character who most represents you who would it be?

(Mine is Cliff Claven from Cheers cause my brain is chock full of usless information and obscure facts)

Loup_Ombrage's picture

What is this "job" you speak of? :pinkelephant:

What country would you most like to holiday in?

Barbados and ofcourse New Zealand
And heres the countries to choose from

where would be yours?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The dark green one in the bottom left-hand corner, which I assume is Spain. Of course, it would help if I could read German Smile

Who is yakko? (see KMD's link)

click on the blue bar it will play the video and its in english (ive got the video) Watch enjoy and even giggle

Yakko was part of Warner Brothers attempt at making classic style (insane) Cartoons and the result was Animaniacs

Who here still watches cartoons?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

I still do: Family Guy, The Simpsons, and I'll watch Ren and Stimpy, Futarama and any of the classic crazy Warner Bros cartoons (i.e. Roadrunner & Coyote) when they come back on.

What is your most fondly remembered cartoon show?
