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leveling and difficulty setting

blockhead's picture

So I played through the original Kingdom of Ehb compaign. Did it in normal mode. Character was just shy of level 50 at end. NPCs in party were roughly the same.

Played Legend of Aranna campaign on hard mode, aside from two or so boss battles. Character was level 24 at end. NPCs in party were roughly the same.

Started Ehb again, this time in Hard mode. Got as far as the snow-covered city, Glacier-something. No characters are more than level 10. One is level four. Switched to easy mod. Bam: seemed every minute someone was gaining in a skill or in dex/str/int.

It seems as if leveling is slower in hard mode than in normal mode. Can anyone confirm this?

I'd always thought that a harder mode meant that the monsters do more damage, you do less damage, and you get more XP per kill (or rather, per use of a skill).

p.s. not using any mods save for the seefar loa camera mod

IIRC the difficulty level won't have any effect on your total level, as you get the same XP per kill. It will just appear to be faster on lower difficulty as you won't take so long for each enemy with your blows/spells doing more damage.

You may raise your nature magic less because you don't cast so many healing spells, and reduce your XP a bit that way, but it's not likely to be a very significant effect if you normally drink potions for that. Characters in the party that healed in hard play, may have time to cast offensive spells in easy mode and speed up their levels by doing that. Healing seems to count less than attacking for level-ups.