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Claw Returns

Hehe, sorry that I haven't been on here in a few months... Been busy with a few personal difficulties.

I do play DS1, but only in SinglePlayer. The block system with editing in DS1 just doesn't cut it for me.
I mainly play/edit DS: LOA
I'm currently known as «§§» ÞHÅ¥ÐËR «§§» on ZoneMatch.

I just brought my website back up, I hadn't been advertising or getting hits lately so they revoked my subscription, LoL. I have to admit, I did miss this place.
The only update I have made to my site so far is another section to my DSLOA editing tutorial. The link to it is at the bottom of the first tutorial page.

On GameSpy for DS2 and DS2:BW I go by }-{FANG}-{ but I'm rarely in Multi-Player.
If any of you play World of Warcraft, My main character is Zarramoth on the Undermine Server.(Send me a PM if you would like a free download/10-day trial for WoW)
I play Counter-Strike under the account name NoReGr3tS and my Windows Live Messenger account is (Change the % to an @)

Edit--fixed link--Kathy

Welcome back, Lord Claw. Just to mention, I kept getting a page error for your site. All better now.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

volkan's picture

I'm Fresh Meat here so we've never met, but good to have ya back.

All hail, and welcome back, Your Lordship!

- 'tis good to know we still have you with us! :woot:
..there is still much evil afoot in Aranna
- we need all hands to defeat the enemy!!
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!