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Hosting/Joining a game with a mod

I recall mods in DS1 allowing you to join and host games without others needing the same mod that you has in order to play with them. I never really learned how to get my mods to do that, and I wanna make sure some of my mods for DS2 will let me play in other games without having to go through the hastle of removing them from my Resources folder. I haven't made item mods yet, but I do have a level 150 mod with a well-balanced experience table after level 100 that I will be releasing eventually. Most of what my mods are is pretty much new nodes for map editing and added enemies, so there shouldn't be any interference in the other person's gaming experience.

My question is how do I get it so that my mods don't stop me from playing with other people without having to remove them and add them back to my Resources folder?

You could use a mod manager or setup a folder with it's own shortcut that you use for your mods. I personally prefer the latter one. Here's some information on how to setup the shortcut. This information is added to the shortcuts targetline. As you can see it is for DS1 but it works the same way with all the DS games.

res_paths="?" This tells the executable (ds.exe) where to look for the resources.

map_paths="?" Tells the game where to look for additional maps.

user_path="?" Tells the game where to save files like your characters and screen shots.

Exchange the "?" with the folder's directory path like this: res_paths="C:\Mods\Revived". If the folder is placed in the Dungeon siege game folder the name of the folder is enough. If you add a "!" before the directory path in map_paths like this: map_paths=!"C:\Mods\Revived" only the maps in that folder will be available.
This is what I have written in the targetline for Legends of Aranna:
"G:\Games\Dungeon Siege\DSLOA.exe" user_path="E:\My Files\Dungeon Siege Saves\Legends of Aranna"

About the modmanager.. there is one in the downloads section.

DS2 modmanager 1.3