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Stitching in Dungeon Siege 1 Editor

Hi all, I just wanna know if there is any way to quickly stitch regions together in the original Dungeon Siege Siege Editor, as opposed to stitching each individual door? I've been stitching my regions through each node door, and it gets really tiresome.

Is there any other alternative to stitching regions together? Such as drawing stitch boundaries, or editing the .gas files themselves?

Any help is greatly appreciated, as it would save me TONS of time in the future. Thanks in advance!

If I'm remembering the process properly, this is the only place where you can specify which door links to which other, and a "logical" method to do it automatically would prevent some of the weird maps with non-Euclidean geometries. (E.g the desert where two of the edges are joined, making it a cylinder, instead of a plane.)

Designing maps to minimise the connecting edges was GPG's method of avoiding the problem. Join at narrow valleys, not in the middle of a plain.

garthagain's picture

As related by ghastey, joining in narrow valleys is the way to go. Also you should make the valley long enough to avoid stalling when the region you are entering loads. In other words stitch in the middle of the valley, so that when you enter either of the stitched regions, the frustrum range is still within the valley, and not extending into the larger area. This is especially important if you have large regions, with lots of content, or if three or more regions are joining in close proximity to each other.

Here are some pictures of a valley stitch. In "a" and "b", all nodes where characters travel are stitched. In "c" and "d", only the furthest edge nodes are stitched, so that the nodes, from the far edges to the pathing area load. It's not necessary to stitch all the nodes between the path and region edges.

Alright, thanks guys. Small valleys it is then.

Also, I had no idea you could stitch in a Non-Euclidean way Shock . That's freaking awesome Dance ! Now I don't have to spend hours upon hours of lining up the dungeons correctly.

Thanks again guys, and happy siegeing!

Yup, creating narrow exit points with valleys, cliffs, rivers, dungeons, forests, or caves where you only have to stitch two nodes (preferably 4 doors total) together is how I've always stitched from DS1-DSII. Sending a player to the next region using a cave or a dungeon is a cool way to transition imo.

Just ask Iryan about the problems converting the Alpine Caverns in Kingdom of Ehb caused him in the Legendary Mod. All because main and side passages from - how many regions is it? - make a rectangle the lengths of which's sides don't add up correctly.

I stitch all my caves and dungeons. I don't see a problem but I also never converted DS1 maps.

RBDS wrote:
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section or if this has been covered already, but I cannot figure out how to stitch two regions together. Any information is appreciated!

Hey and welcome to the site. Smile

I'm glad to see you registered as your anonymous comment had to be approved before publishing and staff logs in when they are available so the post may take a long time before being published.

I quoted your post as there as no need to post the same question in two different areas so I deleted one...but I kind of messed it up (oops! Sad ) hence the quote. The basic question remains the same, though and hopefully you will receive help soon.

Again, welcome!

Here are a few more links to add to KillerGremals:

Mapping and Level design on Siege the Day.

Siege University Compilation A recommended download on our very own site.

Although the main page of Siege Network is down, oddly enough the forums are still available to read, which is nice. There are sub-forums dedicated to Mod development for both DS1/Legends of Aranna and for DS2.

The Continuous World of Dungeon Siege-Scott Bilas

"Dungeon Siege's incredibly complicated and incredibly simple mapping" from the Dungeon Siege wiki (yes there still is a wiki after all these years!).

Another map building tutorial from the wiki

A pdf document re: Dungeon Siege by Scott Bilas (former developer).