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your favourite buildings..??

- I rather like this old Oxfordshire church..
- as much for it's setting as it's archictectural simplicity..

Sharkull's picture

How about the world's tallest building (it just turned 30 years old this week)?
Laughing out loud

An excellent example of human creativity, effort and ability. Cool Just standing at the base of it and looking up is humbling (not as much as being near mountains, but close). The view from the top is literally awesome... and no, I've never gotten up the courage to stand on the section of glass floor. 8O My heart skips a beat just thinking about it. Smile

Nice topic, Blondin. That is a lovely church. I don't follow a faith, but churches have some of the most beautiful designs and are nice places to visit just for that alone. This is Trinity church in Boston, Massachusetts. I used to work near here and come down and walk around on my lunch hour.

For homes, I have always been partial to the Craftsman style of architecture. Gustav Stickley was the founder of the Craftsman movement in American Architecure, and was also influential in the Arts and Crafts movement (furniture, design, ect...) My living room is done in Arts and Crafts style, actually.

An example of a Craftsman bungalow:

Sharkull, I so would not be able to go to the top of that building, I think I would get a nosebleed. 8O :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

A truly stunning display of geometry in exeter cathedral. I read that it was built sometime in the 1100s.

No direct links please ;), may not be looked on as friendly posting but as bandwidth stealing by the other sites.

Feel free to use a free picture hosting service, such as tiny pic or imageshack

Thanks Strider978

Sharkull's picture

kathycf wrote:
Sharkull, I so would not be able to go to the top of that building, I think I would get a nosebleed. 8O :P

Yeah, the glass walled elevators do kind of get your attention (vertigo anyone?). The amazing thing is that people race up the stairs every year (at a special event). 8O I don't know if I'd be able to make 1,776 steps :o while taking my time... (20-40 minutes... yeah right!). :P

LoneKnight's picture

Blondin, is that the same church that was used in an episode of Mr. Bean?

Arman's picture

I rather like this building, and the mysteries of it.

firebat's picture

I thought the other picture topic was stopped because of the direct linking....

Strider978's picture

You are correct FB. Although it wasn't stopped I just wanted people to stop directlinking images in it,and to instead use a free image hosting service, I'm more than happy to let it continue in that form.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Templarian Arch Sorcerer wrote:
A truly stunning display of geometry in exeter cathedral. I read that it was built sometime in the 1100s.

No direct links please ;), may not be looked on as friendly posting but as bandwidth stealing by the other sites.

Feel free to use a free picture hosting service, such as tiny pic or imageshack

Thanks Strider978

You can hack into other people's posts? 8O

He doesn't hack. All moderators can edit posts here.

Strider978's picture

/me holsters his red font pen after twirling it around and blowing on it Wink

LoneKnight's picture

It's an ability moderators have. Quite useful when someone swears, says something bad, etc, without having to delete the post or remove the thread.

firebat wrote:
I thought the other picture topic was stopped because of the direct linking....

FB, the game is still there anytime you wanna play! Laughing out loud (hint, hint) :P

I actually wrote a mini-tutorial on image posting and image hosts at the lit net forum I like because so many folks there were having trouble posting their pictures, plus the hotlinking there is just rampant. I actually stopped playing the "Google Image game" there because everytime I loaded a page, all the hotlinked images just loaded right along. And surprisingly, none of the mods there stop it...

LoneKnight wrote:
Blondin, is that the same church that was used in an episode of Mr. Bean?

- not the same one - this one is St Margaret's in Hinton Waldrist, a delightful English hamlet, west of the city..

I believe "Mr Bean" used one on the East side of Oxford - I could be wrong..

- "The Vicar Of Dibley" ( ..a brilliant TV program, for certain!!) - used a church in the Chinnor area, which is also east of the city.. it may have been the one used by Rowan Atkinson's crew..

He got his PPE at Oxford Uni, so he would be pretty familiar with some of the more delightful areas in the surrounding county..

blondin's ghost.. wrote:

- "The Vicar Of Dibley" ( ..a brilliant TV program, for certain!!)

I love that show, Dawn French is great. Laughing out loud

I have always liked Victorian houses...

- you'd love Manchester Town Hall - it's a brilliant design..
- well worth a visit, if you come to the UK!!

I like barns for some strange reason and the older the better