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Hi, guys I am looking for a mod that doesn't touch the storage vault however increases the player inventory so it
looks nice on a 1080p display and can fit more items but also works with the inn. It be also nice if it plays well
with "DungeonSiege 2 mods by LeisureBeing, 2011" the mod I use from this collection is
"1) Mod-StorageVault22x28-Beta4.ds2res
A modified version of KillerGremal's StorageVault mod, it displays all party members' item counts when
opening the stash. It is very useful when pets with mulit-page inventory are in your team."
it works well in the resource folder of Broken World, I have yet to have any issues with it but since this version
also counts the inventory of the items in characters inventory's it could possibly effect mod developement. I would
also be willing to test this mod.