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Setting up a simple house for node fading

First you will want to hide your house's roof. You can hide nodes by selecting the node(s) and in the menu bar select Node then Hide Node(s). To show the node again select node then Show All Nodes.

Menu for nodes is here:

If you will have door tops. Select your door top and in the menu click node then properties. Now uncheck Bound Camera and Occludes Camera. Do this for the roof as well. It's good to remove these default settings so the camera does not duck when player goes under the door top. You will probably have to do the same for the walls of the building as well.

The properties for the door top should look like this:

If you have two doors like me, do the the same for the other side.

Now show or put a roof on your house. You will need to set it up for the fade triggers. Select the roof and click Node then Properties. Go to the Fade Settings tab and enter in 1 for level and object.

The properties for the roof should look like this:

Select your roof and hide it so you can see inside the building. You can hide the roof an alternative way. I perfer to use this for all things I fade for organization. It is not needed , but I will show you the concept and recommend you do it.

Go to the menu and select node then Node Fade Groups. In Node Fade Groups check section, level, object, and enter 1 for all. Click New Group and enter in 1-1-1 with a reminder note such as -town001. You will want to have 1-1-1 so you know what attributes you gave the node(s) for fading. Do not use any characters other than -, letters, and numbers. Se2 will crash your map unless you fix fade_groups.gas manually. After that it's safe to Save Favorites.Click ok and it should look like the following image:

Now click on the Add button. If you have it set up right, you will be able to click on hide to hide and show to show. This will allow you to show and hide whatever assigned nodes you want Smile . You can save your Node Fade Groups by going to file then save. It's good to do that just in case you crash. Do not save favorites. Saving favorites will delete the group. It is ok to save favorites after the group is saved. Click on hide to hide the roof.

Now we need to place some generic triggers to fade the roof in and out. Go to Unsorted Items tab, Game Objects folder, Special folder, trigger folder, and click on generic trigger. You will get an error message. Just ignore it.

Now place a trigger inside the house near the door and right click and select Properties.

Go to the Trigger Properties tab. Click on add condition then pick party_member_within_bounding_box and click ok.

Under the Parameter field you will see half diag x, half diag y, and half diag z . These will give the length, width, and height of where the player walks to activate the trigger. In the value field I entered 3.2 for x, 1.4 for y, and .8 for z. I set it to fit the door frames on both sides. You will need to adjust this to fit your door frame as well. I like to use the door frame as a guideline when setting the diag values. The default(on_every_enter) in the boundry check field works for this type of trigger.

You will want to move the trigger around to align it and will have to use shift and drag to move up and down if you altered a value that changes its height. It should look similar to this:

Now go back to the Trigger Properties tab and click on the add action button. Select fade_nodes_range as your action.

You will see Region ID in the Parameter field which is set to 0xFFFFFFFF in the value field. This is not your region's ID. To find out your region's ID select Settings in the menu bar then click on region. This will tell you your region's ID under Region GUID if you did not know it already.

Copy paste that into the Value field to replace 0xFFFFFFFF . Set the values for Section, StartLevel, EndLevel. and Object to 1. I will explain more what these mean in a more advanced tutorial. For fade type choose or type in Out:Black.

Now will be a good time to test if the trigger works properly. Save your map and use ds2mod to test the trigger. The roof should fade as you walk into the house. It will stay faded without adding other triggers.

If you roof faded out fine continue if not you did something wrong. Copy the trigger in the house and paste. Move the new trigger outside of the house.

I changed the length of the new trigger(x for me) to 1 meter. You will want to move the trigger close to the other one but make sure it doesn't overlap.

The only other alteration to the new trigger we need to make is changing fade type to in. This will fade the roof back in if you didn't guess it.

If you have two doors like me copy the fade in trigger and place on the other side and you're all set. Then run another test to makes sure everything is set up right.

Ahh, I just noticed the 8th image is missing. I will try to fix this.