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Looking for "Custom Pets Reloaded" V2 or V5

CustomPetsReloaded v5 updated with 5 new female mercs (Darkelf, Wed, 07 Jan 2009 20:47:31 +0100)
CustomPetsReloaded v5 updated with 5 new female mercs i am gonna release these badgirls - they will just come with the basic new character armor, figuring nothing i put on them will be good as what drops in game anyways and are available from the pet shop. I made them some new weapons graphics, to

Also see my other post:

Resurrecting a lost mod: "Custom Pets Reloaded V2" by Darkelf

--old link that had the mod, can no longer be logged into since it is an archive:

If anyone has either of these, please upload them to this site.

Thank you.

v5 has now been uploaded to this site, thanks for the interest in my mod Smile