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Referee wants to play too

Think he has a grudge or something. Shock Smile

Sharkull's picture

If you just look at the ref, it does look like he goes to hit the player... but if you look at the player you'll notice that he cuts into the ref and the ref (who isn't wearing pads) just braces for the hit... He (the ref) was walking in the wrong direction (hindsight being 20/20), but that's the only mistake the ref made IMO.

Maybe the ref made it look like that. Smile
Nah I have no idea. But take a look at the comments: "choke on aids and die", etc.
So much anger on youtube. ^^

edit: actually a horrible thing to say..

Horrible........but true.

Lots of trolling, flame-baiting and flat out bashing goes on in the comments. Insane

Of course a lot of the ones doing it are either in Elementary School, or still have the same mentality. ^^

I like this quote: ^^

Lev Grossman wrote:
Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and naked hatred.

~Time magazine, Dec 13th 2006

PhoeniX wrote:
Of course a lot of the ones doing it are either in Elementary School, or still have the same mentality.
That's probably very true. I hope they grow up soon and don't get stuck in that mindset.