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Dungeon siege tool kit.

Ok, hey guys. its me agian. i rescentally got the dungeon siege 2 v1.1 took kit, but a fatal error accurs every time i try to do something...errr at least siege Editor it does this

ive done some research and it says my dungeon siege 2 must be a version 2.2 or higher-but mine is 2.3 BW

error description below

GPcore error failure

Type : Error
Module : C:\Program Files\Dungeon Siege II Tool Kit\SiegeEditor2.exe
Location :
Fail Count : 1 (w:0, e:1, x:0)
Exe timestamp: Nov 28 2005 16:13:07

fc_actor.skrit(1945,30) error: 'NISManager': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(1945,84) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(1950,13) error: 'UIDialogueHandler': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(1950,66) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(1950,89) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2066,30) error: 'NISManager': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(2066,84) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2071,13) error: 'UIDialogueHandler': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(2071,75) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2071,98) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2206,30) error: 'NISManager': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(2206,84) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2211,13) error: 'UIDialogueHandler': undefined function
fc_actor.skrit(2211,66) error: syntax error
fc_actor.skrit(2211,89) error: syntax error

world/global/flick/commands/fc_actor.skrit - 0 fatals, 15 errors, 0 warnings

Sharkull's picture

It doesn't matter what version BW you're using, the tool kit only works with vanilla DS2 files (which are unaffected by the installation of the expansion), so check to see that your DS2 has been patched to v2.2.

After that, if the error gives you the option to Ignore it, then do that (or Ignore All if there are multiple errors).

Sharkull wrote:
It doesn't matter what version BW you're using, the tool kit only works with vanilla DS2 files (which are unaffected by the installation of the expansion), so check to see that your DS2 has been patched to v2.2 ...

Indeed this is patching matter, it's even mentioned in GPG's Siege University (look at the screenshots there).

Well with addon you must take care that you don't install the addon into the same folder as the base/main version of DS2. Merging both folders may work for playing maybe, but not if you want to use the toolkit.
However using the patch v2.2 should help - hopefully it will find the 'base' folder automatically if the addon exists too.

im up to date with both my game versions, however, :nervous: :? ive got no idea how to use the siege editor.


thanks guys! i cant tell you how many times youve helped me out since i became a member of siegetheday Smile

Sharkull's picture

sirwalterejr wrote:
ive got no idea how to use the siege editor.

Read through the first Siege University (for DS1). Some details will be different, but the basics and main mapping concepts are the same. Also check out SU2 for new additions to DS2...