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Potential Hazards

Got a question for some of our local experts. I downloaded some MP3 music last year, and now the site is marked as "potentially harmful" because some people have gotten adware or spyware from downloading. I ran a thorough diagnostics and cannot find any of the mentioned trojans on my computer. Is the music still to be considered as dangerous or did I get lucky with some good DLs? The site I got them from is by an artist called Alexander Blu.

Sharkull's picture

Use a couple different spyware scanners because they aren't all the same. If they all come up with zero results then you're probably safe. I'd recommend using RootKit Revealer as an additional check too.

BTW, I removed the duplicate post.

I think I got lucky with the DL then.

Didn't realize I got double posted. Site hung up on me for a second and I had to "reload current page". Smile

Was the site Jamendo? I recognize the artist from there.

He has several videos on youtube as well. Maybe the single MP3s were the infected ones. I downloaded the entire albums.