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Tip for getting started on editing logic.ds2res

I answered a question on another board

How to make actual robes for nature mages?
and thought I would share the info for ppl here, since it helped him out. Also a fellow modder suggested I post it here to help out.

Use your tank viewer 2 that comes with ds2tk. Open up logic.ds2res Extract all the contents to your bits folder for reference.

The default directory for bits is C:\Documents and Settings\user name\My Documents\My Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Mod .

All of the gas files you need for reference for nmage(nature mage)will be in \world\contentdb\templates\interactive in the bits folder you extracted to.

Once you are in the interactive folder you will see a ton of armor, spell, misc item, and weapon files. The prefix for armor is amr. The suffix for nature mage is nmage. In the middle you will see stuff like body. Body is referring to the body armor.

amr_body_nmage is the file that would help you understand how to make body armor. you can use the windows search function to find it if you get lost in the ds2 logic directory.

You can make your own gas files and I recommend it. You also can make new templates inside the gas file for your new armor.

A gas file is nothing more than a text file. You can view/edit one with notepad. I perfer to use skrit pad because it is easier to read code with.

You will be able to run tests with your gas file in the interactive directory using ds2mod if the directory is in the bits folder I recommended you putting your files in(ds2mod reads from this folder)

I recommend running ds2mod windowed for testing. In ds2mod press the tilda key( the ` key above tab) . Now this allows you to use the console commands.

This is an essential tool for testing. For item testing you can use the command give to put the armor you made in your inventory.

For example from the file I told you to to use as a reference there is a template named [t:template,n:amr_bdy_nmg_woven] .

You can use the give command to get this item by pressing the tilda key and enter give amr_bdy_nmg_woven and then hit the enter key. You get out of the console by pressing the tilda key again. Open up your inventory if it was not already open and you will see this armor.

Be sure to read siege university. The ds1 university is still very useful.

Good luck, have fun, and don't give up. I will offer my help here.