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Organizing Actors in Se2

I know this is simple stuff but want to share. I think actors in unsorted items is well not sorted good enough.

Pick an actor from the unsorted items tab and place onto map. The actor folder will be located in your game objects folder. Now go into favorites tab. Click on siege objects folder and create a new folder with a name to your liking. Click on that folder. Now click on the actor you placed in your map and right click and chose add to favorites. For some reason if you have no actor in a folder and try to move one there it will not work.

If you have one there you can move them around. If you did mess up and moved all actors out u can work around this. What I do is create a new folder into the folder I want to add the actor in. Then I add in the actor and it goes into the folder i want. Move it above the new folder if it is bellow it. Then right click on the new folder and chose remove selected.

This also applies to whatever you want to put in your favorites.

Edit: Save often there are some bugs with thief.skrit attached to some monsters. To save right click an item in favorites tab and select save favorites. Don't forget to save your map often as well when working on it. When setting up folders it seems there is a glitch that makes it look like your folders disapear just give it time/click another folder.