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Honestly, I have no idea how I'd do any of those. My knowledge in coding is very simple. Most of the stuff I can figure out is through the gas files explaining it or that's obvious for a regular gamer.

Anyway, I sort of want to do mostly cosmetic things, so as to keep Dungeon Siege's gameplay. I would like to port the animations, but I tried this once, but apparently not having the same skeleton or mesh, it didn't really do anything except freeze your character's animation. I could see someone changing the animations to fit on DS1's model, but that's another thing I don't know how to do.

Also, I contacted someone who reverse engineered Dungeon Siege's engine, and they said in order to update the version of DirectX it uses will have to be done in binary through the exe. Hopefully he can someday do it, but we'll have to wait.