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Blondin, you should watch out for Tiamut with the girls. He is quite a little rascal... Wink Laughing out loud Here he is putting the moves on Shalindra.

Not really sure what he thinks he's doing here. Maybe he is under the impression that he's a hat.

You don't even want to know the mischief he got up to with the Snowqueen...such a ladies man, er gargoyle.

Volkan, your brother thinks mods are the same as cheating? While I agree some really sort of are (I am thinking more of the ones that alter experience gained specifically) but some are quite innocuous. I am happy with my new spring armor mod I finished a little while ago. How is making a flowered robe cheating? I like flowers! *lol* (just teasing)

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.