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haven't tested the backpack yet, iryan made the backpack a certain size in adepts, I don't know if inventory mod makes the window that size or larger, for most part though backpack grid size is in the template, the ui just creates the window rectangle for it.

if u want to fix the swimsuit go for it, but its not that big a deal, its still neat

I really like this adepts although I have died so many times, lost my inventory and got resurrected so many times its getting kinda annoying lol but that makes it more challenging too, I miss the unconscious lol but am loving the banter that Sarah does and the new conversation windows are really not to mention Stonebridge had lots of people in it made it feel like a town! seems like the monsters aren't dropping anything though, I need to find where loot is and change it need more gold drops even if it only 1gold or crappy gloves the game should drop something , there was a time the krugs weren't even dropping lol kinda frustrating for someone that collects all loot.

and this silly Fairy decides it wants to flee leaving me for dead...I gonna mod her gold and call her Tinkerbell!

also from pix above it looks like the spellbook window needs to be made wider, since adepts uses a bigger font the spellbook cuts off half the spell names, I may have to dust off some ui cobwebs and do some editing, kinda wish icemage's SpellIcons mod was in adepts too, but oh well cant have everything

bare_elf wrote:
It is great that you where able to get the inventory issue corrected with Adepts. I look forward to seeing a copy here.
Darkelf wrote:
swim wear for some reason my blue skin turn flesh colored for the swimsuit?

That my friend is do to the special Cat Mansion Adepts Type1 Armor Mesh which allows you to produce armor that shows your characters skin tone by adding an Alpha Channel to the Armor's PSD image. However some of the earlier armor done for adepts does not include the alpha channel and will display the skin color of the original drawing. I could if you wish fix the swimsuit.
