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I've known they bought the rights ever since it happened. They bought the rights, churned out one sub-par game with DS's name slapped on top of it, and then forgot about it.

That said, Chris Taylor is still the one who led design for the original, DS2, and BW.
Legends of Aranna and the other expansions I believe were made with other teams, much in the way that Fallout: New Vegas was made by Obsidian after Bethesda made Fallout: 3.
In fact, Mad Doc software went on to become a division of Rockstar a while after Legends of Aranna. Made me wonder if Dungeon Siege III would've come out better if some branch of Rockstar had bought the rights...

All that besides, I still think it will be cool to meet the main guy and see what he's up to, whether he has any assets we can use or not. And I'm willing to bet he'll enjoy seeing that Dungeon Siege is still being played and loved and modded to this day, eh?

Honestly after watching a few old interviews with him, I'm willing to bet he only sold the rights to the games as the company was going down to ensure that all of his employees were paid properly... He's actually quite a nice guy, from what I can tell.